Input - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
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Spectrum Global Address Validation uses an address as input. All addresses use this format regardless of the address's country. To obtain the best performance and address match, your input address lists should be as complete as possible, free of misspellings and incomplete addresses, and as close to postal authority standards as possible. Most postal authorities have websites that contain information about address standards for their particular country.

Note: The country name or two- or three- character country ISO code is optional. If you omit the country, Spectrum Global Address Validation returns the best available candidates for the Default Country selected on the Default Options tab. For a list of ISO codes, see ISO Country Codes and Coder Support.
Table 1. Spectrum Global Address Validation Input
Field Name Format Description
FirmName String Company, firm name, or place name. For example, PRECISELY.
AddressLine1 String The first address line. For example, 34 GLENVIEW ROAD MOUNT KURNING-GAI NSW 2080. AddressLine1 can also contain a dual address (contains more than one mailable address). For example, the dual address PO BOX 3220 STN C 181 QUEEN STREET OTTAWA ON K1Y1E4 contains both a PO Box and a street address.
AddressLine2 String The second address line (USA only).
AddressLine3 String The third address line (USA only).
AddressLine4 String The fourth address line (USA only).
AddressLine5 String The fifth address line (USA only).
AddressLine6 String The sixth address line (USA only).
LastLine String The last line of the address. For example, 34 GLENVIEW ROAD MOUNT KURNING-GAI NSW 2080.
Note: Spectrum Global Address Validation only considers the LastLine information when individual components such as City and PostalCode are not provided.
City String The city or town name. To produce the best match results, your input address should use the official city name.
CitySubdivision String The name of one of the following depending on the country:
  • Dissemination Area and Enumeration Area (DA and EA)—CAN
  • Locality—BRA, GBR, GRC, ITA, ESP
  • Suburb—NZL
  • Urbanization name (Puerto Rico)—USA
StateProvince String The name of the state or province depending on the country:
  • Not used—BEL, CHE, DNK, IRL, NLD, NOR
  • Bundesland—DEU
  • Province—CAN
  • Province (voivodship)—POL
  • Region—AUT, ESP, FRA, GBR, GRC, NZL
  • Region (län)—FIN
  • Region (lan)—SWE
  • State—AUS, BRA, USA
  • State (negeri)—MYS
StateProvinceSubdivision String The name of the state or province subdivision depending on the country:
  • Not used—AUT, BRA, CAN, FIN, GBR, MYS
  • Department—FRA
  • District—GRC
  • District (fylke/counties)—NOR
  • District (poviat)—POL
  • Kommun—SWE
  • Kreis—DEU
  • Local Government Authority (LGA)—AUS
  • Province—BEL, CHE, DNK, ESP, IRL, ITA, NLD
  • Region—NZL
PostalCode String The postal code in the appropriate format for the country.
Country String The country name of the two- or three-character ISO country code. This field is optional. If you omit the country, Spectrum Global Address Validation returns the best available candidates for the Default Country selected on the Default Options tab. For a list of ISO codes, see ISO Country Codes and Coder Support.