Street name aliases in the United States are alternative names given to sections of a street. There are four types of street name aliases:
- Preferred—A preferred alias is the street name preferred locally. It typically applies only to a specific range of addresses on the street.
- Abbreviated—An abbreviated alias is a variation of the street name that can be used in cases where the length of AddressLine1 is longer than 31 characters. For example, the street name 1234 BERKSHIRE VALLEY RD APT 312A could be abbreviated to 1234 BERKSHIRE VLLY RD APT 312A.
- Changed—There has been an official street name change and the alias reflects the new name. For example if SHINGLE BROOK RD is changed to CANNING DR, then CANNING DR would be a changed alias type.
- Other—The street alias is made up of other names for the street or common abbreviations of the street.
The non-alias version of the street name is called the base street name.