CASS Certified Processing - Latest

Spectrum OnDemand Web Services - Inline

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Spectrum OnDemand Web Services
Spectrum OnDemand Web Services - Inline
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CASS Certified™ processing also generates the USPS CASS Detailed Report, which contains some of the same information as the 3553 report but provides much greater detail about DPV, LACS, and SuiteLink statistics. The USPS CASS Detailed Report is not required for postal discounts and does not need to be submitted with your mailing.

  1. Validate Address must be in CASS Certified™ mode. If (Not CASS Certified) appears at the top of the window, click the Enable CASS button. The Enforce CASS rules check box will appear.
  2. Click Configure CASS 3553. The CASS Report Fields dialog box appears.
  3. Type the List Processor company name, List Name or ID#, and the Number of Lists being processed for this job.
  4. Type the Mailer Name, Address, and City, State, ZIP.
  5. Click OK.

    The List information will appear in Section B and the Mailer information in Section D of the generated USPS® CASS Form 3553.

  6. In Enterprise Designer, drag CASS3553 from the Reports pallet to the canvas.
  7. Double-click the CASS3553 icon on the canvas.
  8. On the Stages tab, check the Validate Address check box. Note that if you have renamed the Validate Address stage to something else, you should check the box with the name you have given the address validation stage.
  9. On the Parameters tab, select the format for the report. You can create the report in PDF, HTML, or plain text format.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Repeat steps 6-10 for CASSDetail if you want to produce the CASS Detail Report.