intl pipImportInsert( pipImporter impH, pipObjectInfoStruct *info, intl *points, intl *pointsPerPoly, intl nPolys );
- impH
- The handle returned by pipImportInit for the current import process.
- info
- A structure that contains the attribute information about the object
- points
- An array of lon,lat or x,y pairs. If entering lon,lat pairs, these should be in millionths of degrees.
- pointsPerPoly
- An array containing the number of points in each polygon of a region. In the case of a Line object, it is the total number of unconnected line segments (rarely used).
- nPolys
- Indicates the total number of polygons or unconnected lines in this object.
The pointsPerPolygon and nPolys entries are normally set to 1, except for cases where a region has islands or lakes, or where a line feature is broken into two or more unconnected segments. For point features, the points, pointsPerPoly, and nPolys parameters are ignored.