Opens a set of Shape files for importing (ESRI file format).
intl pipImportOpenShape ( pipImporter imp_h, pstr fileName, pstr _id, pstr
_name2 );
imp_h The handle returned by pipImportInit for the current import process. Input.
fileName The name of one of three Shape files. The SHP, DBF, and SHX files must all have the same base filename. This parameter may either be the complete path, filename, and extension of one of the Shape files, or the path and base filename of all the Shape files. In either case, all three Shape files will be opened. Input.
_id Name of ID to use. If _id is NULL, contains an empty string, or contains an ID that does not match a column in the DBF file, the first column provides the ID. Input.
_name2 Secondary name. If NULL, there is no secondary name. Input.
Return Value
pipImportOpenBNA, pipImportOpenMIF2, or pipImportOpenTab.
This function opens a set of three ESRI files for importing. Shape files include DBF, SHP, and SHX files. SHP files include points and geometric information. DBF files contain attributes and names of polygons. SHX files contain indexes for faster performance.
The _id parameter specifies the ID to use. If you specify an invalid ID, pipImportOpenShape defaults to the first column and generates an explanatory message. Precisely recommends calling pipErrorGet immediately after pipImportOpenShape to retrieve these messages.
See pipImportInit.