This section describes the Spatial+ C functions, grouped by purpose.
Spatial+ Library Management Functions
Initializes the Spatial+ library.
Terminates the Spatial+ library.
Returns details about most recent error or message.
Enables/disables immediate display of error message.
Importing Functions
Creates and opens a GSB file; initializes the import subsystem.
Allows the user to store and retrieve additional meta data in the GSB file.
Opens ESRI Atlas GIS BNA file for import.
Opens MapInfo® MIF/MID file for import specifying two name fields.
Opens a set of Shape files for importing (ESRI file format).
Opens a set of Tab files for importing (MapInfo file format).
During import, reads and write into the object file the next object from a BNA, MIF/MID, SHP, or TAB file.
Writes an object into an object file that was not from a BNA, MIF/MID, SHP, or TAB file.
Closes the import MIF/MID, BNA, SHP, or TAB file.
Cleans up and deletes the pipImporter resources and determines whether the object file is to be kept or discarded. Terminates the import subsystem.
Exporting Functions
Creates and opens a BNA file for writing; initializes the export subsystem.
Creates and opens a MIF/MID file for writing; initializes the export subsystem.
Creates and opens a set of Shape files for writing; initializes the export subsystem.
Creates and opens a set of Tab files for writing; initializes the export subsystem.
Opens a GSB file whose contents is exported to a BNA, MIF/MID, SHP, or TAB file.
Writes an object from a GSB file to a BNA, MIF/MID, SHP, or TAB file.
Writes an object that was not from a GSB file to a BNA, MIF/MID, SHP, or TAB file.
Closes the GSB file used for export.
Cleans up and deletes the pipExporter resources, and determines whether the export file is to be kept or discarded. Terminates the export subsystem.
Basic PiP (Non ZIP + 4) Functions
Loads a specific object based upon an object handle.
Loads a specific object associated with the handle passed in for large files.
Finds first object containing the input point.
Finds objects based on radius and returns in sorted order.
Finds the closest point to a target point.
Finds the closest point to a target point using a filter to reject unwanted objects.
Finds next object for any pipObjectFindFirst
Returns the number of attributes present in the associated GSA file.
Retrieves the data in the GSA attribute file based on the name of the attribute.
Retrieves the data in the GSA attribute file based on the column number.
Retrieves the field name information in the GSA attribute file by column number.
Retrieves the coordinate pairs of the current object in the object file.
Retrieves the header information for the current object.
Retrieves the handle for an object—used with pipObjectFileGoTo .
Retrieves the individual object handle for the current object for large files.
Returns the current search distance for the pipObjectFile object.
Sets the current search distance for the pipObjectFile object.
ZIP + 4 PiP Functions
Opens ZIP + 4 Z9 file for processing.
Finds first ZIP + 4 in any object in the object file.
Finds next ZIP + 4 in any object in the object file.
Closes ZIP + 4 Z9 file after processing.
Radial Functions
Initializes the radial subsystem.
Loads all point objects from a Spatial+ object file into the radial search tree.
Adds a point to the search tree being constructed.
Finds the first point in a rectangle.
Finds the first point within a given radius.
Finds the closest point to a given point.
Finds the next point to a given point.
Terminates the radial subsystem and frees resources.
Comparison Functions
Initializes a new polygon overlap check operation.
Defines "Region A" polygons for use in determining whether two regions overlap.
Defines "Region B" polygon for use in determining whether two regions overlap.
Checks if Region A and Region B polygons overlap.
Checks if Region A and Region B polygon overlap and calculates the percentage of Region A overlapped by Region B.
Clears "Region A" polygon that was set with pipAddRegionAPolygon .
Clears "Region B" polygon that was set with pipAddRegionBPolygon .
Clears Region A and B polygons that were set with pipAddRegionAPolygon or pipAddRegionBPolygon.
Finds first polygon in the object file overlapping the input polygon.
Finds first polygon overlapping the input polygon and calculates the percentage of the input polygon overlapped by the polygon in the object file.
Finds first object's mbr overlapping the search rectangle.
Finds next object for any pipObjectFindFirstPolygonEx function and calculates the percentage of the input region overlapped by the returned region in the object file.
Terminates a polygon overlap check operation.
Computes the distance from a point to the border of the current object.
Other Functions
Returns the distance and bearing between two points.
Returns the version number of the Spatial+ library.
Opens a Spatial+ object file.
Closes a Spatial+ object file.
Gets header information from a Spatial+ object file.
Validates the Spatial+ object file.
Finds first object matching a name pattern.
Gets header information from a Spatial+ object file.
Retrieves additional meta data in the GSB file.
Validates the filter criteria used in ObjectFindFirstNearestEx.