Spatial+ Import - spatial_geostan - 2024.00

Spatial+ Reference for Windows, UNIX/Linux, z/OS

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GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Spatial+
Product name
Spatial+ Reference for Windows, UNIX/Linux, z/OS
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The Spatial+ library allows you to retrieve attribute information by creating a Spatial+ object (.GSB) file and associating it with a .GSA attribute file. These synchronized .GSA and .GSB files retrieve an unlimited amount of attribute information that is not currently available from the Name and Name2 fields.

Note: For more information on spatial attributes, see Spatial Attributes.

To use the new attribute functions in the Spatial+ library, you must create synchronized .GSB and .GSA files with the Spatial+ import utility.

Perform the following steps to create .GSB and .GSA files:

  1. Verify that the input file uses one of the following supported extensions:
    • .SHP – Point, line or polygon features.
    • .TAB - Point, line or polygon features.
    • .MIF - Point, line or polygon features.
    • .TXT – You must use the FmtMaker application to associate a standard Centrus format file with this type of file. The .TXT file must contain points and have field names of longitude (LON, LONGITUDE, or N_LON) and latitude (LAT, LATITUDE, or N_LAT).
    • .CSV– You must use the FmtMaker application to associate a standard Centrus format file with this type of file. The .CSV file must contain points and have field names of longitude (LON, LONGITUDE, or N_LON) and latitude (LAT, LATITUDE, or N_LAT).
    • .DBF – The .DBF file must contain points and have field names of longitude (LON, LONGITUDE, or N_LON) and latitude (LAT, LATITUDE, or N_LAT).
    • .MDB – The .MDB file must contain points and have field names of longitude (LON, LONGITUDE, or N_LON) and latitude (LAT, LATITUDE, or N_LAT).

    NOTE: The Spatial+ Import utility only uses Latitude/Longitude coordinate systems to generate spatial features in the resultant .GSB file.

  2. At a command line, change to the directory listed below that corresponds to your platform:
    • For 64-bit installations - \Spatlib\64bit
  3. Type the following: SpatialImport input_file output_file.

If you are importing an .MDB file, type:

SpatialImport db_fil.mdb:table_name

If you want to specify the field from the input file to use for the .GSB name, add the field name at the end. For example, type:

SpatialImport input_file output_file PLACENAME

Note: The .TAB, .TXT, .CSV, and .MDB field names are limited to 10 characters.

The .SHP and .DBF files are already limited to 10-character field names.

If you want to create an unbuffered .GSB file, place the flag -u as the first argument on the command line. An unbuffered file will be significantly smaller than a buffered .GSB file.

All the fields in the input file will be converted in the attribute file. Supported field types include Character, Date, Numeric, and Float. If you have a .DBF or .MDB file with other field types, the conversion will fail.

The conversion adds tags to both the .GSB and .GSA files so that they remain synchronized. These tags ensure that an updated GSB file cannot be used with an older GSA file.