Database files - Latest

Segmentation Canada Product Guide

Product type
Product family
Enrich Demographics > Segmentations and Geodemographics
Segmentations > Canadian Segmentation (PSYTE HD, PSYTE Financial)
Product name
Segmentation Canada
Segmentation Canada Product Guide
First publish date
Last updated
Published on

PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic data consists of the following database files.

Postal Codes (FSALDU) to Cluster Match-up file

The FSALDU to Cluster Match-up file contains postal codes, PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic group and cluster codes, standard geographic codes, Delivery Mode Type (describing the type of delivery by Canada Post), and latitude/longitude. The file is based on the Canada Postal Points file overlaid with Census 2021 geographic attributes.

FSALDU to Cluster Match-up data contains all of the unique postal codes across Canada, the corresponding PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic cluster assignment, and relevant geographical information based on the 2021 Census.

Dissemination Area (DA) to Cluster Match-up file

The Dissemination Area (DA) to Cluster Match-up file contains the following information:

  • 2021 Census Dissemination Areas
  • PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic cluster and group codes
  • Estimated number of households
  • Population
  • Adult population
  • Adult men+ population
  • Adult women+ population

Household and population data is sourced from Precisely's Estimates and Projections.

DA to Cluster Match-up data is provided for all Dissemination Areas in Canada.

Benchmark file

The Benchmark file contains the following information, based on Precisely's Estimates and Projections:

  • Total number of households
  • Total population
  • Number of households by individual cluster
  • Number of households by major group

Information is provided for the following geographic levels:

  • Nationwide
  • Provinces/territories
  • Census Divisions (CDs)
  • Census Subdivisions (CSDs)
  • Census Metropolitan Areas/Census Agglomerations (CMAs/CAs)
  • Forward Sortation Areas (FSAs)

PSYTE™ HD Canada Geodemographic Cluster Description file

The PSYTE™ HD Canada Geodemographic Cluster Description file contains cluster names for all 56 PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic clusters. Refer to the PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic cluster descriptions section of this product guide for additional information.

PSYTE™ HD Canada Geodemographic Major Groups file

The PSYTE™ HD Canada Geodemographic Major Groups file contains PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic group names for all 12 major groups.

Update Profile (Demographic Summary) file

The Update Profile file contains 150+ estimates variables summarized to the PSYTE™ HD Canada geodemographic segmentation system.