The Property Attributes Assessment product contains “synthetic property records” that are not found within an Assessor tax roll. Typically, these records represent housing cooperatives or condominium buildings and are derived by Precisely for the sole purpose of providing building characteristics to our clients.
Synthetic property attributes are assigned with a primary address and their attributes are derived from the associated secondary addresses (ex. condominiums) for that primary address. Because these records are not taxable entities, only property attributes characteristics of the building are applied. The following attributes may be associated to a property synthetic record:
Field Name | Long Name |
PAID | ProductID |
PBKEY | PreciselyID |
ADDRESS | Property First Line Address |
ADD_NUMBER | Property House Number |
PREDIR | Property Street Pre Dir |
STREETNAME | Property Street Name |
STRTYPE | Property Street Suffix |
POSTDIR | Property Street Post Dir |
CITY | Property City |
STATE | Property State |
ZIPCODE | Property ZIP |
PLUS4 | Property ZIP+4 |
VACANT | Property Vacancy |
PROP_CAT | Property Category |
PROP_ABS_OWN_CD | Absentee Owner Code |
FIPS | FIPS Code |
GEOID | Geography ID |
PROP_ST_LANDUSE | Standardized Land Use Code |
PROP_LU_DESC | County Landuse Description |
PROP_LU_CODE | County Landuse Code |
LAT | Latitude |
LON | Longitude |
LOC_CODE | Location Code |
BLDG_YRBLD | Year Built |
BLDG_TYPE | Building Type |
BLDG_CNSTR | Building Construction |
An example of a synthetic property record that was derived is The Elizabeth Condominium (see below). The building is located at 4601 N Park Ave Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Its PAID is A000PL8PO4ZD and its PreciselyID is P0000B2M3K1B. Each individual condo within the building will have an assessment record that can be used to derive the building characteristic.