Spectrum GeoEnrichment Stage - property_attributes_assessment - Latest

Property Attributes Assessment Getting Started Guide

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Enrich Addresses > Property Features
Property Attributes Assessment
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Property Attributes Assessment
Property Attributes Assessment Getting Started Guide
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Spectrum GeoEnrichment uses the GeoEnrichmentLookup stage. Unlike other Spectrum modules, the only options available in the Management Console are Database, Database Name, and Single Result. Setting a default database should be done when only one GEM data source is licensed. Doing this would set the default of the stage in Enterprise Designer to reference this database resource every time the GeoEnrichmentLookup stage is being used in a data flow. This can always be changed in the stage in Enterprise Designer when selecting the stage and opting to change the default, but if a user does not have access to Enterprise Designer (i.e., a business user) they would not be able to change the database resource the stage is referencing.

GEM resources can be leveraged by creating jobs/services, having different schedulers or FTPs set access to the jobs when running batch files, or allowing endpoints to access it when running a service. This way, when a new data version is rolled out to the database resource, the Management Console can be updated with the new path, without requiring changes to the job or service.

The GeoEnrichment stage offers processing benefits because the H2DB format optimizes lookup field indexing (most commonly on PreciselyID and has a faster response time than the QueryDB stage. If a user loads GEM data into a database, they must first define a connection to that database in the Management Console. Once a connection has been defined, it can be reused for any tables created within the database, or to restrict access to certain tables, if needed. An index to the appropriate fields (in this case, PreciselyID and PAID, if they contain Parcel data also needs to be created to optimize processing.

Once GEM data has been defined in the database and a connection to the source database created in the Management Console, individual jobs/services for accessing the tables should be set up through the GeoEnrichmentLookup stage if multiple H2DB data sources are licensed.