The Management Console is used to set global default values for the GeoEnrichmentLookup stage.
- Click Services > Other Services > GeoEnrichmentLookup.
- In the Options tab, set the options for the specific instance of the
GeoEnrichmentLookup stage by populating the fields as shown:
- Database: The database resource to use for key lookup. This field is mandatory.
- Database Name: The specific database file in the database resource to use for key lookup. This field is mandatory.
- Single Result: False value will help you to view the multiple records associated with a single unique ID. This is important when using Property Attribute data with GEM is using the PreciselyID, the unique and persistent address ID, as the lookup key. It is possible to have more than one property attribute record associated to an address. Refer to the Property Attributes Record Characteristics section in Property Attributes Assessment Product Guide to understand more about this behavior.
- Click Save.
- Under the Preview tab you can preview the results of the GeoEnrichmentLookup stage.
- Enter the lookup key that is present in the input record entered.
- You can also click the Add button under Input Records to add additional records manually.
- If you are importing data, click the Import button under Input Records. The Import Data popup appears.
- To delete all records, click the Delete button at the top of the preview area.
- Click Run Preview. The service processes the input records and displays the results in the Output Records column that appears.
- Review your output data, making sure the results are what you intended to get from the module. If necessary you can make changes to the module's settings and click Run Preview again. You do not need to input the data again.
Limitations of using GEM Module with Property Attributes Data
- Only 500 records are returned when using the Single Result = FALSE option.
- Most users append property attributes to an address via the PreciselyID. As stated under step 2 above, it is possible for more than one property record to be assigned to a single address. For this reason, the user may choose to query the data directly from a database. For example, in the Spectrum Designer Flow below, the Property Attributes data is being queried for the attributes of Year Built, Land Use, square footage, and assessed for PreciselyID PXXXXXXX.Output