- Download the Field Value Key data file.
- Create the table structure in the database using the Create Table script. Be sure to change the table name in the template to asmt_field_value_key.
- Once the table structure has been created, copy data using the PostgreSQL
Syntax:copy <table_name> from '<path_to_text_file>\<text_file_name.txt>' delimiter '|' csv HEADER;
<table_name>: Name of table created using Create Table script
<path_to_text_file>: Path to extracted data text file
<text_file_name.txt>: Extracted data text file name, including file extension
delimiter: Defines the text delimiter (in this case, the pipe character)
csv HEADER : Specifies header
Example:copy asmt_field_value_key from 'E:\PAD\ property_attributes_assessment_field_value_key_usa.txt' delimiter '|' csv header