- Download the product delivery file.
- Extract the delivery file to find the text data file.
- Create the table structure in the database using the Create Table script. Be sure to change the table name in the template to asmt.
- Once the table structure has been created, copy data using the PostgreSQL
Syntax:copy <table_name> from '<path_to_text_file>\<text_file_name.txt>'delimiter'|'csv quote e'\b';
<table_name>: Name of table created using Create Table script
<path_to_text_file>: Path to extracted data text file
<text_file_name.txt>: Extracted data text file name, including file extension
delimiter: Defines the text delimiter (in this case, the pipe character)
csv quote e'/b': Specifies quoting
Example – Linux:copy asmt from '/mnr/Property_Attributes_Assessment/Property_Attributes_Assessment_Data/ property_attributes_assessment_usa.txt' delimiter '|' csv quote e'\b'
copy asmt from 'F:\Property_Attributes_Assessment\Property_Attributes_Assessment_Data\ property_attributes_assessment_usa.txt' delimiter '|' csv quote e'\b'
Note: The following syntax should be used to load nationwide data:
copy asmt from '/mnr/Property_Attributes_Assessment/Property_Attributes_Assessment_Data/
property_attributes_assessment_usa.txt' delimiter '|' csv quote e'\b' header;
copy asmt from 'F:\ Property_Attributes_Assessment\Property_Attributes_Assessment_Data\
property_attributes_assessment_usa.txt' delimiter '|' csv quote e'\b' header