Reinstall or Upgrade Fusion - EnterWorks - Fusion - Match_and_Merge - Precisely_EnterWorks - 3.1

EnterWorks Fusion

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Precisely EnterWorks > Match and Merge
Precisely EnterWorks > Fusion
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Fusion
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Instructions for reinstalling or upgrading Fusion.

Note: Before installing any third-party or compatible software that is not included with the EnterWorks installation files, check that the version of the application is supported by consulting System Requirements.
Warning: If you are using a version of Fusion prior to 3.1.2,375, you must upgrade Fusion in order to update deprecated Log4j files.

To upgrade Fusion to a newer version or to reinstall Fusion, perform the following on the server where the instance of Tomcat used by Fusion is installed:

  1. Move Fusion's currently deployed server.war file to backup. Move:
    <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service\bin\server.war
    This creates a backup copy of the original server.war file in case you need to back out of the re-installation, but it will also cause Tomcat to undeploy that version of Fusion.
  2. When Tomcat has finished undeploying Fusion, the following folder will have been removed:
    <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service\bin\server.war
  3. Obtain the Fusion server application file:
  4. Unzip the file to the folder:
  5. Create the folder:
    <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service
  6. Copy the contents of the folder:
    <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service
  7. Unzip
  8. Deploy the server.war file to Tomcat. On the server hosting the Tomcat service:
    • If you are configuring Fusion to run with EnableServerTomcat, copy:
      <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service\bin\server.war
    • Or if you are configuring Fusion to run with a Tomcat that is not EnableServerTomcat:
      1. Find the name of the folder where web apps are stored for the Tomcat instance. Open the following file in an editor:
        The name of the web apps folder is in the following setting:
        <Host name="localhost" appBase="<name-of-web-apps-folder>" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
      2. Copy:
        <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service\bin\server.war
    The .war file will be deployed by Tomcat. During the process, a new folder named server will be created.
  9. If you are configuring Fusion to run with EnableServerTomcat, restart all EnterWorks services. If you are configuring Fusion to run with a separate Tomcat instance, only restart that Tomcat.
  10. Upgrade the Fusion metadata repository:
    1. Navigate to:
      If you get an error, one of the following URLs should work:
      • http://<hostname>/server/ui/setup.jsp

      • http://<hostname>:<tomcat-http-port>/server/setup.jsp

      • http://<hostname>:<tomcat-http-port>/server/ui/setup.jsp

      For more information about Tomcat ports, see Tomcat's Port Usage.
    2. The Upgrade metadata repository to the recent version screen will appear. It will state that the metadata repository has been upgraded and is ready to use. Click the link to the home page.

The Fusion application has been upgraded.

After installing a newer version of Fusion:

  • Data Sources: You may need to re-upload your data sources' libraries. For more information, see Data Source Management.

  • Match and Merge Widget: You may need to remove and re-add your Match and Merge widgets on New UI Dashboards.