Install Fusion - EnterWorks - Fusion - Match_and_Merge - Precisely_EnterWorks - 3.1

EnterWorks Fusion

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Precisely EnterWorks > Match and Merge
Precisely EnterWorks > Fusion
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Fusion
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Note: Before installing any third-party or compatible software that is not included with the EnterWorks installation files, check that the version of the application is supported by consulting System Requirements.
Warning: If you are using a version of Fusion prior to 3.1.2,375, you must upgrade Fusion in order to update deprecated Log4j files.

Fusion must be installed on the same server as Tomcat. EnterWorks versions prior to 10.5.3 required Fusion to be installed on the same server as EnableServerTomcat service. In EnterWorks versions 10.5.3 and later, Fusion can be installed on a server that is running a separate instance of Tomcat.

To install Fusion:

  1. Obtain the Fusion server application file.
  2. Perform the following on the server that will host Fusion.
    1. Download the zip files to:
    2. Unzip the file to the folder:
    3. Create the folder:
      <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service
    4. Copy the contents of the folder:
      <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service
    5. Deploy the server.war file to Tomcat. On the server hosting the Tomcat service:
      • If you are configuring Fusion to run with EnableServerTomcat, copy:
        <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service\bin\server.war
      • Or if you are configuring Fusion to run with a Tomcat that is not EnableServerTomcat:
        1. Find the name of the folder where web apps are stored for the Tomcat instance. Open the following file in an editor:
          The name of the web apps folder is in the following setting:
          <Host name="localhost" appBase="<name-of-web-apps-folder>" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
        2. Copy:
          <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service\bin\server.war
      The .war file will be deployed by Tomcat. During the process, a new folder named server will be created.
    6. Set the environment variable INFOLINK_HOME in your operating system to point to the Match Service folder. You must have administrator privileges to do this.
      1. Open the Control Panel, search for "environment", then go to Edit the environment variables for your account.
      2. In the System variables section, click New to add a new system variable.
        • Variable name: INFOLINK_HOME

        • Variable value: <drive>:\Enterworks\Match Service

  3. Configure the enable-web-server-service to access Fusion. On the server hosting enable-web-server-service:
    1. Move to:
    2. Edit the file:
    3. Set the infolinkHost setting to the host name of the server hosting Fusion. If the setting does not already appear in the file, add it.
      For more information about Tomcat ports, see Tomcat's Port Usage.
  4. Restart all EnterWorks services.
  5. Configure the Fusion metadata repository. On the server hosting Fusion:
    1. Navigate to:
      If you get an error, one of the following URLs should work:
      • http://<hostname>/server/ui/setup.jsp

      • http://<hostname>:<tomcat-http-port>/server/setup.jsp

      • http://<hostname>:<tomcat-http-port>/server/ui/setup.jsp

      By default, EnableServerTomcat uses port 8090 as the HTTP port.
    2. The Metadata repository setup screen will appear. It will state that the metadata repository does not exist and ask if you want to create it. Click Yes, create it.
    3. The Metadata repository setup screen will report that the metadata repository was created successfully. Click the link to the home page.
    4. The Fusion login page will appear. Log in with these credentials:
      • Login: admin

      • Password: admin

  6. Configure the API key:
    1. Log into the EnterWorks New UI. Duplicate your browser tab and navigate to:
      If you get an error, add Tomcat's HTTP port number to the URL:
    2. The tab will clear and your API key will be displayed. Copy it.
    3. Add the API key to shared configuration properties. Set its value to the API key you just retrieved. If you edit the file, if the infolink.admin.apiKey setting does not exist, add it.
  7. Restart EnterWorks services.

The Fusion application has been installed.