Getting Started - SmartTemplate_Pro - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 2.2

EnterWorks SmartTemplate Pro

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Precisely EnterWorks > SmartTemplate Pro
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks SmartTemplate Pro
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Once SmartTemplate Pro is installed, to use SmarTemplate Pro, open your Microsoft Excel application and select the SmartTemplate Pro tab.

The image shows the SmartTemplate Pro tab in the Excel toolbar.

The SmartTemplate Pro toolbar will appear.

The image shows the SmartTemplate Pro toolbar.


The Login button is used to log into EnterWorks. For more information, see User Login.


The Templates functions are:

Data Actions

The Data Action functions are:

  • Template Info: Display the summary information for the template. At the bottom of the summary information is a button that allows you to delete the currently active template. For more information, see View a Template's Information.

  • Template Structure: Display the repositories included in the template, their parent-child relationships, and the attributes included in the template. For more information, see View a Template's Structure.

  • Write Headers: The Excel sheet's column headers will be rewritten. SmartTemplate Pro does not retrieve the current attribute names from EnterWorks. It simply uses the attribute names from the template to re-write the column headers. This feature allows you to restore the headers if you accidentally edit them. For more information, seeWrite a sheet's headers.

  • Clear Logs: The sheet's log columns and the log column headers will be cleared. For more information, see Clear Log Columns.

  • Refresh Data: SmartTemplate Pro will retrieve the current attribute values from EnterWorks and write them to the indicated sheet. No new template information will be downloaded from EnterWorks. The template's existing template structure will be used to configure the worksheet. For more information, see Refresh Data.

  • Refresh and Validate: SmartTemplate Pro will retrieve the current attribute values and their records' validation status from EnterWorks and write them to the indicated sheet. No new template information will be downloaded from EnterWorks. The template's existing template structure will be used to configure the worksheet. For more information, see Refresh and Validate Data.

  • Add Parent Record: Adds a record to the root repository in the spreadsheet. When the data is next posted to EnterWorks, the record will be added to the EnterWorks root repository. For more information, see Add a Parent Record.

  • Add Child Record: Adds a descendent record to a root repository record in the spreadsheet. When the data is next posted to EnterWorks, the descendent record will be added to its repository and the link relationship will be added to the root repository. For more information, see Add a Child Record.

Run Settings and Run Actions

The settings in the Run Settings section of the toolbar are used to indicate which records are to be processed when you trigger an action by clicking a button in the Run Actions section of the toolbar.

  • Start Row: The row number of the first record in the set of records to be processed. Remember that the first EnterWorks record is in row 3.

  • End Row: The row number of the last record in the set of records to be processed.

  • Select All: If the Select All checkbox is checked, Start Row is set to 3 and End Row is set to EndOfSheet (the last row of data in the Excel sheet). If Select All is checked, the other settings in the Run Settings section are disabled.

The Run Action functions are:

  • Refresh Grouping: SmartTemplate Pro will reorder the rows on the sheet so that all children records appear directly below their parent records. For more information, see Refresh Groupings.

  • Check Data: SmartTemplate Pro will determine if the data in each cell conforms to its attribute's definition. For example, it checks to see if the value has the right data type. SmartTemplate Pro does not validate the data against the validation rules defined in EnterWorks. For more information, see Check Data.

  • Post: Data cells will be checked against their attribute definitions. For all records that have no errors when their data is checked, their attribute values, new records, and link relationships will be sent to EnterWorks. EnterWorks will update its database but will not validate the posted data. For more information, see Post Data.

  • Post and Validate: Data cells will be checked against their attribute definitions. For all records that have no errors when their data is checked, their attribute values, new records, and link relationships will be sent to EnterWorks. EnterWorks will update its database and will validate the posted data. Validation results will be written to the sheet's log columns. For more information, see Post and Validate Data.

Warning: Passing data and template information back and forth between EnterWorks and SmartTemplate Pro takes time. The more attributes and attribute values you are passing, the longer it will take. If your system response time is too high, use the settings in the Run Settings section of the toolbar to limit the number of rows you are processing.


Clicking the About button causes a dialog to appear that contains EnterWorks SmartTemplate Pro's version number, build number, and copyright information.