Checking, Posting, and Validating Data - SmartTemplate_Pro - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 2.2

EnterWorks SmartTemplate Pro

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Precisely EnterWorks > SmartTemplate Pro
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks SmartTemplate Pro
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Check Data

Checking the data in the sheet means that SmartTemplate Pro will determine if the data in each cell conforms to its attribute's definition. SmartTemplate Pro does not validate the data against the validation rules defined in EnterWorks. It simply checks:

  • Required field: If this attribute is a required field, the cell must contain a value.

  • Data type: The value in the cell must be the same data type as the attribute's data type. For example, cells for attributes with a numeric data type may not contain characters.

  • Data length: The value in the cell may not have more characters than the attribute definition allows.

  • Code set: If the attribute's values are dictated by a code set, if the cell has a value, the value must be one of the values in the code set.

When SmartTemplate Pro is finished checking a record's attribute values, it will write a status message in the repository's log column, indicating if the record was successfully validated or if errors were found.

When SmartTemplate Pro has finished checking all the attribute values for a repository, it will write a status message in the header of the repository's log column, that indicates:

  • The repository's name.

  • The action performed.

  • The date and time.

  • The total number of records in that repository that were checked.

  • The number of records that were checked that have no errors.

  • The number of records that were checked that have errors.

When SmartTemplate Pro has finished checking the all the data in the sheet, a status message will appear below the toolbar, that indicates:

  • That the action has completed.

  • How many records in the root repository were successfully checked, including having any of their descendent records checked.

  • How many records from the root repository were found to either contain errors or their descendent records contained errors.

SmartTemplate Pro headers.

Post Data

Posting your data to EnterWorks uploads your attribute values and any new records into the EnterWorks repositories. Before your data is posted, SmartTemplate Pro will check your attribute values against their attribute definitions, (see Check Data). Any rows that do not pass the data check will not be posted. After your data has been posted, your sheet's log columns and log column headers will be updated to indicate the success of your action, (see Viewing Data and Log Columns.

To post your data, click the Post button on the toolbar.

Post and Validate Data

Posting your data to EnterWorks uploads your attribute values and any new records into the EnterWorks repositories. Before your data is posted, SmartTemplate Pro will check your attribute values against their attribute definitions, (see Check Data). Any rows that do not pass the data check will not be posted.

If you choose to validate your data as well as posting it, after EnterWorks stores the new data, it will validate it against its validation rules. After your data has been posted and validated, your sheet's log columns and log column headers will be updated to indicate the success of your action plus the results of the record validation, (see Viewing Data and Log Columns).

To post your data, click the Post and Validate button on the toolbar.