EnterWorks 10.5.3 Release Notes - SmartTemplate_Pro - Precisely_EnterWorks - Sales_and_Services_Portal - EnterWorks - Fusion - Match_and_Merge - 11.1

EnterWorks Release Notes

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Release Notes
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Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved. Numbers in parentheses indicate associated Support and Jira tracking tickets.


  • Resolved: The REST API call /api/items/sendToWorkFlow is missing key parameters, such as which workflow and which starting point activity. It also relies on the settings for the workflow properties, which means work items can only be launched on one workflow per repository. (EW-12300, EW-12419, EW-12504, EW-12505)

Data Management

  • Resolved: Records are cloned correctly but the job monitor shows an error. (EW-12546, EW-12547, EW-12548, EW-13975)
  • Resolved: The stored procedure epim_delete_data_for_repository does not clean up multi-language snapshot tables. (Support 85132, EW-12636, EW-12637, EW-12671)
  • Resolved: If a repository item history ID exceeds the limits of an integer value, comparing recent history versions of a record does not show changes and some triggers do not react to changes in a record. (Support 86344, EW-12810, EW-12830, EW-12831, EW-12832, EW-12868)

Data Model

  • Resolved: Saving a profile triggers the snapshot jobs and it should not. (EW-13493, EW-13496, EW-13500, EW-13529, EW-13911, EW-13912, EW-13913)
  • Resolved: If a DATE attribute that is in the snapshot is set to a date that has a month or day value that is one digit and does not have a leading zero, the snapshot table column is cleared (null). Inserting leading zeros saves the value in the snapshot. (Support 76656, Support 76913, Support 84078, EW-10446, EW-11063, EW-12664, EW-12665, EW-12666, EW-12674, EW-13593)

Digital Asset Management (DAM)

  • Resolved: When large image digital assets are uploaded via the Upload Digital Assets widget, the images are uploaded correctly but an error message is generated that states the server is not responding. (EW-11963, EW-12999, EW-13173, EW-13487, EW-13494, EW-13495, EW-13523, EW-13531)


  • Resolved: Multi-edit changes do not work when the All button is selected for specific date filters. (Support 85244, EW-12646, EW-13381, EW-13382, EW-13383, EW-13611, EW-13612, EW-13613)

  • Resolved: In the New UI's Detail Editor, if Edit All is enabled then disabled, attributes that are radio buttons can no longer be edited and their value is no longer visible. (Support 85659, EW-12797, EW-13518, EW-13519, EW-13520)

Imports and Exports

  • Resolved: A multi-repository import has an incorrect mapping for the primary key. It was imported using a partially matching primary key, even though that option was not selected. (Support 83024, EW-12048, EW-12655, EW-12669)

  • Resolved: Exporting one million records using a defined template takes hours. (EW-12451, EW-12490, EW-12598)

  • Resolved: When records are imported, sometimes duplicate records are created. (Support 83141, EW-12360, EW-12489, EW-12494, EW-12503 )

  • Resolved: Exporting to XLSX is adding a trailing space to each column name in the header row. (Support 84588, EW-12513, EW-12601, EW-12602, EW-13562)

  • Resolved: If an Integer or BIGINT attribute is defined with data precision, when you export the attribute, the data precision value is exported. However, when you import the attribute back in, the precision value will not be updated and the data precision value is removed from the UI. (EW-11063, EW-12674)

  • Resolved: When a publication or export is performed while impersonating a user and the All button is used, EnterWorks retrieves the entire set of records, then applies the security context, which results in the process getting stuck in the Processing state. (Support 80685, EW-11410, EW-12451, EW-12739)

  • Resolved: Importing properties for code set values through a scheduled import using the preprocessing class com.enterworks.services.imports.ImportCustomCodeSets does not update the code set properties.  (Support 85180, Support 82974, EW-12630, EW-12768, EW-12805, EW-13573)

  • Resolved: When an export is run with a root repository saved set name that does not exist, the export process exports all of the records instead of none of the records. (Support 78437, EW-10957, EW-12814, EW-13274, EW-13423)

  • Resolved: When a tab delimited import template is used, the header row is added as a row of data and the starting row setting is ignored. (Support 86028, EW-12865, EW-12896, EW-12897, EW-13525)

  • Resolved: When a JSON export template is edited and descriptions are added for category code set attributes, if you edit a linked repository, the descriptions for the code set attributes are overwritten. (Support 86338, EW-13000, EW-13070, EW-13074, EW-13075)

  • Resolved: An export validation job is complaining that the active end time is not later than the active start time but from the error it appears to be comparing the active end time to itself and not the active start time. (Support 84492, EW-12449, EW-13167, EW-13492)

  • Resolved: When a Current View export is performed, even though a filter has been applied, all the records are exported. (EW-10991, EW-12606, EW-13579)

  • Resolved: Upon import of new records, some simple validation rules are failing with a null pointer exception. (EW-13911, EW-13912, EW-13913)

  • Resolved: When performing a code set import, the import fails if more than one primary key is specified. (EW-13911, EW-13912, EW-13913)


  • Resolved: When a link relationship is migrated from one environment to another, the settings for the Open Link Table in Tab with Preference are not being updated. An administrator must edit the link relationship after the migrate in and manually set them in each affected link relationship. (EW-13523)


  • Resolved: A promotion fails to promote invalid records to Production, but the promotion job shows success and invalid records show a status of Sync. (Support 77206, Support 86678, EW-12401, EW-13605, EW-13606, EW-13607 EW-13610) :


  • Resolved: The Services Framework PublishMaxLevels class performs a set of queries using a DBQuery connection obtained from the DBQueryPool. If there is an exception, the error is being reported, but the DBQuery object is not closed.  (Support 85820, EW-13481, EW-13482, EW-13574)

Searches and Filters

  • Resolved: Users are unable to filter records on a specific repeatable code set attribute. This error message is generated: "Error processing request: Error retrieving record: Client. The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion." (Support 77285, EW-10896, EW-12632, EW-12635)

  • Resolved: Applying an advanced search to a date/timestamp attribute in the Classic UI causes an error. (EW-12457, EW-12474, EW-12475)

  • Resolved: An index is needed to search on a repository's creation date. (Support 85608, EW-12706, EW-12881, EW-12882)


  • Resolved: Read and edit access to record security filters for a group have been granted and the capability is enabled. However, when the group is impersonated, no record security filters are displayed. (Support 86153, EW-12994, EW-12996, EW-12997, EW-12998)
  • Resolved: Incorrect userId and securityContext values are used as the prefix and suffix when the user is being impersonated. (EW-7099, EW-13503, EW-13575, EW-13576)


  • Resolved: System deadlocks are occurring. (Support 85391, EW-12662, EW-13522, EW-13577, EW-13578)


  • Resolved: There are intermittent failures when a saved set is validated. The error message says it could not produce a query plan. (Support 80135, EW-11396, EW-11478, EW-12737)


  • Resolved: A Filter Report widget is configured to show a linked repository attribute, however, the linked repository attribute values are not displaying. They are showing as NOVALUES with counts. (Support 83718, EW-12211, EW-12510, EW-12511)


  • Resolved: The send to workflow function is not working. (EW-12519, EW-12539, EW-12540)
  • Resolved: When a box profile is defined in EPX and assigned to a user as the default, when that user opens the My Active Work Items in the New UI, it does not have that box profile selected. When the user selects the profile, the desired data shows up in the list, but the header doesn't change. (Support 86606, EW-13182, EW-13392, EW-13502, EW-13504)
  • Resolved: In 10.5.2, launching work items on a repository relies on the settings in the <repo> -> Edit -> Workflow Properties settings, instead of using the information from the starting point activities in workflows that map to the repository. This effectively means a repository can have only one starting point.  (EW-13580, EW-13594, EW-13595)

Known Issues

  • The Work Item ID column is not appearing in the Workflow Task Manager.(EW-13668)

    Workaround: To view a work item's ID, open the Workflow Task Manager, select the work item, and click View Properties in the ribbon. The work item's ID is the value of sys.workitem.version.uid.