EnterWorks 10.5.2 Release Notes - EnterWorks - Fusion - Match_and_Merge - Precisely_EnterWorks - Sales_and_Services_Portal - SmartTemplate_Pro - 11.1

EnterWorks Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks
Product name
Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Release Notes
First publish date

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved. Numbers in parentheses indicate associated Support and Jira tracking tickets.


  • Resolved: The Swagger documentation that explains how to get an authorization token for the REST API has been expanded to include using the ewtoken and the epimresttoken cookies. (EW-11358)

  • Resolved: The REST API call /api/items/sendToWorkFlow is missing key parameters, such as which workflow and which starting point activity. It also relies on the settings for the Workflow Properties, which means work items can only be launched on one workflow per repository. (EW-12419, EW-12505)

Data Management

  • Resolved: When a record is copied using the New UI, the auto-sequenced ID value of the parent record gets copied into the new record. (Support 80597, EW-11763. EW-12333)

  • Resolved: When images are being uploaded to a record, if the enter key is clicked, the upload screen disappears. (Support 78847, EW-11946)

  • Resolved: If a repository's auto-sequence attribute is set to read only, the record cannot be edited or saved. (EW-12332, EW-12403)

  • Resolved: Workflow properties cannot be opened when a record is being edited in the Detailed Record editor. (EW-12379, EW-12383)

  • Resolved: Cloning a record causes an error status to be displayed in the Job Monitor. (EW-12546, EW-12547, EW-12548, EW-13975)

Data Model

  • Resolved: Attributes are not showing in the attribute properties list. (Support 78366, EW-11982)

Digital Asset Management

  • Resolved: When an image is uploaded to DamMaster, if a user updates any field in the image's record in DamMaster, the record's modified date shows a one hour delay. (Support 79943, EW-11708)

Imports and Exports

  • Resolved: When an import template of type Category is used, it fails and generates an Unable to Sync View error. (Support 81797, EW-11925)

  • Resolved: An import job indicates it completed successfully but the log includes an error message that indicates a different object with the same identifier was already associated with the session. (Support 82626, EW-12004, EW-12005, EW-12006)

  • Resolved: Scheduled Import jobs are not validating after sync in, even though the import option is set to "true". (Support 81197, EW-12075)

  • Resolved: Depending on how an XML export template's output layout was edited, code set descriptions could either be tagged as nameDesc or name_description. The description tag should not change. (Support 80196, EW-11427, EW-12243, EW-12249)

    New behavior: Now code set descriptions are always tagged as name_description.

Job Scheduling

  • Resolved: Unable to send email notifications only when a job fails. (Support 81185, EW-11769)

Searches and Filters

  • Resolved: If a repository tab is open in the New UI and the user performs a text search, then clicks a shortcut with its own saved search, the previous text search is not removed. This may result in an unexpected subset of records to be returned. (Support 82393, EW-11975, EW-12295)

  • Resolved: Today cannot be used as a search term in the New UI. (Support 82683, EW-11986)

  • Resolved: A saved search created in the Classic UI cannot be recreated in the New UI. The search looks for records in which a specified attribute is greater than another attribute. (Support 78767, EW-12234)
  • Resolved: In the New UI, when an advanced search is used in a widget, the breadcrumbs show the attributeID instead of the attribute's name. (EW-12454, EW-12478)
  • Resolved: In the Classic UI, applying an advanced search to a date/timestamp attribute causes an error. (EW-12457, EW-12474)
  • Resolved: In the New UI, when an advanced search with two linked search conditions is applied, only one of the conditions is shown in the breadcrumbs. The same search works correctly in the Classic UI. (EW-12458, EW-12480)
  • Resolved: In the New UI several widgets do not show the correct number of records after an advanced search is performed. (EW-12460, EW-12479)


  • Resolved: If an SSO user account is dynamically created in EnterWorks through user/groups syncing, not all the user's returned attributes are recorded in the user record, such as name, email, and last name. (Support 78029, EW-11641)
  • Resolved: Using a security context with 10 digits generates a numeric overflow error. (Support 82745, EW-11985, EW-12233)
  • Resolved: Unable to assign groups to a user. (EW-11995, EW-12119, EW-12348)
  • Resolved: Updating a user's account record sets the Created By setting to the same value as Last Updated By. (Support 82545, EW-12078)


  • Resolved: If multiple IN values are used when a validation rule is edited, the editor returns an error. (Support 81201, EW-11761)
  • Resolved: When multiple records are edited at once with the multi-edit function, if the primary key is edited, when the record is saved, validation does not indicate an error. Also, sometimes when a record is edited, if it has the same primary key as another record, validation does not generate an error. (EW-11989)


  • Resolved: If a workflow has a starting point that references a work item type with one or more fields, if a record from that repository is sent to workflow from the Detail editor in the New UI, the Start button does not appear. (Support 82051, EW-11885, EW-12246)
  • Resolved: The EPX SQL Update Repository Record BIC needs more input parameters and the ID output is not populated. (Support 84223, Support 84224, EW-12325, EW-12353, EW-12356)
  • Resolved: Sending a record to workflow generates an Invalid work item version ID error. (EW-12519, EW-12539, EW-12540)