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EnterWorks Release Notes

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Release Notes
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The following is the list of known issues in this release:

When you click the "Compare" button on the History tab, if there is already a comparison open, the screen to becomes unresponsive and gets stuck on the last opened History tab. This prevents you from viewing the history details for other opened records. As a workaround, you should open only one history comparison at a time.
The linked search fails to function for attribute types such as date and timestamp when you provide a search term for the criteria.
When exporting preferences in .xlsx format and selecting "Separate Files For Linked Category Attributes Based on Linked Control Value", the category attributes do not appear in orange.
There are missing detailed capabilities in the New UI for Import with or without Advanced Options, and in selecting a defined template.
When exporting data, an incorrect record count is exported if a preference (with Code Set description enabled) and a column filter (Code Set) are applied.
All repository records are being updated when a filter is applied, all records are selected, then Update Variants is triggered.
A newly added Saved Set is not displayed in the Saved Set panel. The panel is not getting refreshed.

If a Saved Set is open and the user creates another Saved Set by using the displayed records, then the previous Saved Set remains selected, but the Edit button gets enabled. On clicking Edit, the newly added Saved Set gets edited.

The following search criteria are not supported for Taxonomy filters: End with, Starts With, Contains, and IN.
In Export Templates, changing the order of attributes in an output file layout can be cumbersome. Users cannot change the order of attributes across page boundaries; they can only drag and adjust rows within a single grid. Furthermore, if the attribute count exceeds 200, users are unable to change the order due to the maximum page size limit of 200.

Workaround: Users can export the template, manually adjust the order of attributes (using xmlAttrColumnPosition) in the downloaded .xls file, then import the modifed template.

There are several differences in the advanced options of Imports between the Classic UI and the New UI.
In the Classic UI, if an Import Template is created and Content Replacement is checked, the Update/Create options are not displayed.
In the WorkFlow Task Manager in the New UI, you cannot sort by Work Item Id.
In the WorkFlow Task Manager in the New UI, if you go to All Completed Work Items and click Submit, an empty dialog appears.
In the New UI, Cloning is not working when All is selected.

Workaround: Select individual records per page.

Records shared across Security Context should not be editable in the New UI.
Group Name editing using multilanguage option doesn not work from Profile view.
Woraround: Edit from Manage Model > Attribute Groups.
When exporting a Current View in the New UI, if a preference is in effect that has "Add Category Attributes of Selected Taxonomy Node" checked, the export behaves like an export performed with the advanced option "Separate Files For Category Attributes Based on Control Value". A Zip file is produced that contains a separate file for each taxonomy node. In addition, one file will be created that holds any records that are not assigned to a taxonomy node. However, if all the records in the export are assigned to taxonomy nodes, the additional file will be empty. EnterWorks should not generate the empty file.
In the New UI, editing/creation of Export Templates with output type of Demandware, Preview, or Custom XML is not supported.
In the New UI, if an Import Template is being created and is used before being saved, any changes made to the template such as adding or removing attributes will not be reflected in the output. In contrast, in the Classic UI, a template could be used before it was saved.
When viewing a linked repository's repeatable attribute that has more than one value, the values are not displayed.

Workaround: Click the attribute value and the values will be displayed.

Publication Plan is not supported in the new UI.
In the New UI, if a user is logged in for a long time and there are many concurrent users, it takes a long time for the repository tree to open.

Workaround: Refresh the workspace or the browser.

If a hierarchy or taxonomy node is edited or renamed, all records assigned to the node will be removed from the node.
When creating an Import Template in the New UI, if you open the dropdown list, information from cookies from other sites appears.
If multi-edit is used to edit a an dynamic Code Set attribute value, the value does not appear.

Note: Multi-edit is not supported for dynamic Code Set association.

When adding or editing an Export Template in the New UI, on the Output File Layout page, if the user changes the order of an attribute, the page footer count and page number do not update.
When adding or editing an Export Template, Global Search does not work on the Output File Layout page.
If a line break exists in the record content and it is exported to a CSV file, the resulting file will have values in incorrect columns.
When exporting 10,000 records using the option 'Separate Files For Category Attributes Based on Control Value', the export job gets stuck at around 9,000 records. The records fail with the error 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space'.
Workaround: Increase the heap space.
When managing a record's state, if the Security Context value is changed, then the Manage Record State is reopened, the new value is not shown. You must click the refresh button to see the new value.
In the New UI, when managing a Hierarchy and adding a node in tree view, default property values do not appear. However, it appears in Classic UI.
Filter and Advance Search does not work for an Invalid code set code.
If a file is deleted from DAM then multiple files are selected and downloaded, the deleted file appears in the Download dialog.
When simultaneously editing multiple Import Templates that pull from different repositories, attributes from other Import Templates' repositories appear on the Attributes Mapping page.
A non-path Taxonomy/Hierarchy does not correctly filter records when the node code string length is only one character.
Its recommended to Manage/Create Taxonomy/Hierarchy from Classic UI due to some know issues.
Cannot edit an Export Template property if the "Separate Files For Category Attributes Based on Control Value" settings is unchecked in the New UI.
The capabilities related to Import Templates and Preferences are not functioning correctly for existing groups.
Using a preference that has linked attributes for Unified View is not supported.
When importing, the screen displays a language drop-down menu if the defined template includes multilanguage attributes of different locales.
The Address Validation editor's labels and buttons are not localized. They are only displayed in English.
The Address Validation editor's Valid Address list uses standard column headers instead of attribute names used to create the address.
When adding a new record and selecting a taxonomy node, sometimes the child nodes of the taxonomy are not displayed for selection.
An error occurs when signed into the New UI under a non-English session language, a preference is applied in a repository view, and records are sorted by a multi-language attribute.
Data is incorrectly formatted for Spanish and German locale attributes when records are saved from the Classic UI.
Fusion is not displaying sources for existing applications. In Fusion, if a you export an existing application or attempts to disable encryption, Fusion returns an "illegal base64 character 7b" error message.
Applying an "IN" search on a comma-separated list of INTEGER or BIGINT numeric control type attributes converts the list of search terms into an expression, such as '"1E+23 ".
Applying an "IN" search on a comma-separated list of decimal numeric control type attributes converts the list of search terms into a single value.
When a repository record is created using the Update Repository Record BIC activity, if the option to validate records is set to true, the record is created but not validated.
When EnterWorks is installed, after the install-part2 script finishes processing, it prompts you to press any key to continue. Following this, a warning message appears, explaining what to do in case of an error during the deployment of PIM Web services. If a key is pressed before this warning message appears, an error message will prompt you to restart EnterWorks services and run the redeployPimWebServices script, even if the PIM Web services do not actually need to be re-deployed.
User cannot select blank value in codeset type attribute through cell editor.
Create an import widget with the "current view" option and save the widget. Then, reopen its settings and change the "current view" option to "defined template." Save the widget again and open the settings. You’ll notice that the changes are not saved. The workaround for this issue is to delete the widget and then add it again.
Delete repository records BIC always invokes trigger even when enableTrigger flag is set to false.
If you use the New UI to download a PDF from DamMaster, the download dialog does not display images for the file's variants.
Using import widget, unable to send records to workflow which are being imported as a saved set.
Column width is reset when applying sorting on linked table.
Update variant capability gets checked/unchecked when clicking select all, deselect all option on groups screen.
When generating an import/export template in 'XLSX with format' output, the last category attribute is not displayed as a codeset.
Linked search breadcrumb does not shows linked attribute name when navigating from a shortcut.
If multiple repositories in import have same attribute name used in join conditions, and that attribute is provided only once in import file, the import will fail due to incorrect mapping in the new UI. However, it will work correctly in the classic UI.
Saved search: Owner search throws error if applied in combination with any other search condition.
Fusion: Incorrect syntax error appears when checking stewardship view from widget. Workaround: Reopening dialog resolves the issue.
Repositories in the Automated Sort folder fail to open, as the screen remains stuck on loading. Workaround: Repositories can be re-created using existing Profiles.
When modifying the import widget, the changes are not being saved within the widget. Workaround: User can create new widget based on the change in requirements.