The Workflow Notification workflow is included in the Services Framework deployment and requires the Workflow Notification group to be defined in the EnterWorks Groups. If the EnableWorkflowInitiators group is defined in the EnterWorks Groups, it must have the user "admin" as one of its members.
The Workflow Notification repository must be configured to have workflow enabled by clicking on the repository in the Classic UI Content feature and selecting the Edit->Workflow Properties option from the pop-up menu, then ensuring the Workflow Enabled checkbox is checked and a value is entered for each of the text fields:
Verify that the Acknowledge Start activity in the Workflow Notification repository has the correct repository ID.
The stored procedure "CorrectEPXRepositoryIDs" can be used to correct the repository ID assignments.
To view the out-of-sync assignments:
CorrectEPXRepositoryIDs N'EPX','VIEW'
To correct the out-of-sync assignments:
CorrectEPXRepositoryIDs N'EPX','UPDATE'