Valid Formats
For: | Examples |
Number | 5 5.0 .5 4.5555 |
String |
'how' 'adlkjljaf343' 'John Doe' 'B-1' Strings must start with a letter or a digit but can be followed by none or any number of other letters and digits, blank spaces, hyphens (-), number signs (#), and percent signs (%). |
Date | Use the format mm-dd-yyyy. The date 09-11-1997 is valid. |
Collection types |
4 'how' 09-09-1997 Valid collection types are numbers, expressions, or dates. Collections can also be strings. |
Datetime | Use the four-digit year format mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm-AM. For example, 09/11/1997-08:30-AM |
For example, if the variable is a number, type:
For strings and dates, type:
String:varName and Date:varName
For a datetime type:
Datetime:expiredDate or Datetime:sendDate
For | Possible Values |
Number | + - * / = > < >= <= <> |
String | + = <> |
Date | > < = <> |
Datetime | > < = <> |
Comparing logical expressions | & (Ampersand for and) | (Pipe for or) |
The set up of advanced rules with operators must follow the correct syntax. Parameters (data type prefix and variable pair) should always be placed within parentheses to pass validation. For example:
Examples of advanced rule operator usage:
For | Examples |
Number | Number:biographical.age=((4*(4-2)) |
Dates | Date:biographical.bdate<>09-09-1990 |
Datetime | Datetime:present>01/23/2003-08:00-AM |
Available functions are: max, absolute, length, and date. Place functions on the right-hand side of the expression. For example:
This example is not valid, because the function abs (absolute) is to the left of the equal sign (=).
Another example:
This example is valid, because the function, max, is to the right of the equal sign (=).
Function | Code | What it does | Arguments |
Max | max | Compares two numbers to see which is greater | Requires two numbers separated with a comma: Number,Number |
Absolute | abs | Finds the absolute value of a number | Requires one number only |
Length | length | Finds the number of characters in a string | Enter the string within single quotes |
Date | date | Determines the current system date | Takes no arguments |
Datetime | datetime | Determines the current system date and time | Takes no arguments |