Delimited - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 11.0

EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)

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EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Use the Delimited option if you want to set the separator for values in files to be imported. The Delimiter dropdown list is enabled when you select the Delimited option.


Select the field delimiters for files to be imported from the Delimiter dropdown list (e.g., Comma, Tab, Semicolon, Space, or Other Delimiter). If you select Other Delimiter, you must specify the delimiter in the text box to the right of the Delimiter dropdown list. If one or more of the work item property values contain the selected delimiter, enclose the values in double quotes.

Contains Quotes Options

Click the Contains Quotes checkbox if you want to enclose work item property values in quotation marks ( " " ). When you select this option, the Quote Escape Character field is enabled. Specify the symbol to escape double quotes. The default symbol is a backslash (\).

Document Style

The Document Style determines how to parse a particular file for import. Select the document style to be used for the delimited format from the Document Style dropdown list. Selecting a specific document style from the dropdown list enables the text area to the right of the style selector and displays a sample of the document style.

There are six different document styles supported:

Document Style Description
Table with keys

First line contains the keys for the table. Subsequent lines represent the rows in the table:

P750,PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer,1 
P820,PrintCo 820 Inkjet Printer,7 

After import, the values are identified by the key and row number:

Item_no1 = P750 
Item_no2 = P820 
Description1 = PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer
Table without keys

Each line represents a row in the table:

P750,PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer,1 
P820,PrintCo 820 Inkjet Printer,7 

Keys must be defined for each column in the Import Items dialog box:


After import, the values are identified by the key (specified in the Import Items dialog box) and the row number:

Item1 = P750 
Item2 = P820 
Description1 = PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer
Array of values

The values can be on one or multiple lines:

P750,PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer,1 
P820,PrintCo 820 Inkjet Printer,7 

At least one key must be defined in the Import Items dialog box. All values are loaded and assigned to each key defined:


After import, the values are identified by the key and index number:

Catalog1 = P750 
Catalog2 = PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer 
Catalog3 = 1 
Catalog4 = P820 
Key-Values, one line

Each value has its own keyword. Keyword-value pairs can be on one or more lines (i.e., line breaks are treated like the delimiter). Each keyword must be unique (only the first occurrence of a keyword will be retained):

Item_no1,P750,Description1,PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer,Quantity1,1

Item_no2,P820,Description2,PrintCo 820 Inkjet Printer,Quantity2,7

After import, the values are identified by the corresponding keywords:

Item_no1 = P750

Quantity2 = 7


Key-Values, many lines

Each line has a keyword and one or more values.


Description,PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer,PrintCo 820 Inkjet Printer


After import, the values are identified by the corresponding keywords. If multiple values are specified on a single line, the column number is included in the work item key:

Item_no1 = P750

Item_no2 = P820

Quantity1 = 1


Values only, many lines

Each line has one or more values.


PrintCo 750 Inkjet Printer,PrintCo 820 Inkjet Printer


After import, the values are identified by the corresponding keywords. If multiple values are specified on a single line, the column number is included in the work item key:

Item_no1 = P750

Item_no2 = P820

Quantity1 = 1


If the specified work item keys are less than the number or lines in the source file, the extra lines will be ignored. If there are no specified work item keys, the default workitem keys are:

importa1 = first row, column 1

importa2 = first row, column 2

importb = second row

importc = third row


Decode Carriage Return/Line Feed Option

This option allows users to specify the symbols or characters to be decoded as carriage return/line feed. Click the Decode CRLF encoded as: checkbox to enable this option and the text box beside it. Enter the symbols or characters in the text box.

Import Items

The Import Items box displays the Import File Key and Work Item Key columns. The contents of the Import Items box depends on the specified document style of the delimited file to be imported.

The Import File Key column contains the names of the keys (as they exist in the impor file) for the values you want to import. This column is enabled if you select Table with Keys, Key-Values, one-line; or Key-Values-many lines as document style. To enter a data in the Import File Key column, click Add and text cells will be enabled. Enter values in the text cells. Click Remove to delete text cells.

The Work Item Key column contains the names of the work item property table keys that you want to import. This column is enabled if you select Table without Keys; Table with Keys; Array of Values Key-Values, one line; or Key Values, many lines as document style. To enter a data in the Import File Key column, click Add and text cells will be enabled. Enter values in the text cells. You can also enter constants, as well as work item attributes; for example, Employee.Residence.Address. Click Remove to delete text cells.

Note: If you do not make selections in the Import Item box, all of the items found in the import file will be saved in the hash table.