XML - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 11.0

EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)

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Selecting the XML option activates the XSL text box and the Browse button.

XSL File

The Work Item Import and Export BIC uses the structure of the work item hash table as the default structure for the XML document that you export. You can directly type a path and file name for the XSL file that the BIC uses to format or transform the exported file. You can also click Browse and select the file and path for the XSL file in the <EPX>\bin\agents\<hostname> directory on the File Open dialog box.

Note: When the BIC is used in a clustered environment, make sure the folders and/or files that will be indicated are existing in and pointing to where the BIC Manager server is installed.

Below is an example of an XSL style sheet that can be used to transform an XML file into an HTML-formatted file:

<?xml version="1.0"
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/WorkItem/Personal"> 
<h2>My Sample StyleSheet</h2> 
<table border="1" width="250"> 
<td align="center" colspan="2"> 
<B>Personal Information</B></td> 
<th align="center">Field</th> 
<th align="center">Value</th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="DateOfBirth"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="Sex"/></td>

Below are the contents of an exported HTML file that was formatted using XSL file shown above:

Here is another example of an XSL style sheet that can be used to transform an XML file into another XML-formatted file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/"> 
<xsl:value-of select="WorkItem/SPSC_Code" /> 
<xsl:value-of select="WorkItem/Supplier_ID" /> 
<xsl:value-of select="WorkItem/Long_Desc" /> 
<xsl:value-of select="WorkItem/Expiration_Date"

Below are the contents of an exported XML file that was formatted using XSL file shown above:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

DTD Generation

Specify the type of DTD Generation you want to use in the XSL file. The following are the DTD Generation options:

  • Internal – selecting this option will embed the DTD with the XML file.
  • External – select this option if you want to create a separate DTD file.
  • None – select this option if you do not want to create a DTD file.

Root Element Name

The default Root Element Name is WorkItem because this is where the work item property keys and values are to be exported and contained. The default root element tag name can be overridden by entering a value in the Root element name field.

Include System Properties in Export

The Include system properties in export checkbox is enabled only when you select XML as the output format. If this checkbox is selected, the system properties are included in the XML file exported from EPX.

Encode Carriage Return/Line Feed Option

Click the Encode CRLF as: option enables the text box to get the symbols or character to be encoded as carriage return/line feed.

Export Items

For the XML export format, Export Items allows you to conditionally choose the work item properties to export and its corresponding XML tag. You can add more than one export item. If no export items are specified, all work items will be exported. The resulting XML file reflects the nesting structure of the work item properties.

Click Add and enter the export item. Click the Remove button to delete an export item.

The Export Items box contains the following columns:

  • XML Element – Enter the names of the XML tags for the values you want to export. The XML tag names must be valid. You can specify nested tags by using slashes "/" to separate the parent node with the child node.
  • Value – Enter the names of the work item property table keys you want to export. You must enclose all of the key names in percent signs (%), for example, %address.street%.

Constants, wildcards ( * ), and EPX work item attributes can also be used as values. In using wildcards, the output to export file depends on four cases shown in the table below.

Note: A blank Export Items field produces the same result as Case 1. Cases 1 and 4 ignore the Export File Key input, while cases 2 and 3 use it to replace the wildcard keyword in the exported key names.
Case Description Example Export file output
1 Asterisk is the only argument. * All workitem properties
2 Asterisk is the starting argument. *text Items with key names ending in "text"
3 Asterisk is the ending argument. text* Items with key names beginning in "text"
4 Enclosed within asterisks *text* Items with key names containing "text"

To export all workitem properties, set a single asterisk ( '*' ) to be the only argument in the Value table.

To export items with key names ending in "text", put an asterisk in the beginning of the argument.

Put an asterisk in the end of the argument if the key names should begin in text. For items with key names containing text, enclose the text argument within asterisks. Refer to the table above for examples of using wildcards as export item values.