The Settings tab contains the Host, Port, User ID, Password, Command, Result Set, and Timeout fields.
- In the Host field, type the hostname of the remote system that this Telnet BIC activity should connect to.
- In the rather unlikely chance that the remote host uses a port other than 23 for Telnet connectivity, delete the default port number and type the correct number in the Port field.
- In the User ID field, type a valid username for logging in to the remote system and then type the corresponding password in the Password field.
- In the Command field, type the command or commands that this Telnet BIC activity should execute on the remote system. To execute multiple commands, separate the commands with semicolons (;).
In the Result Set field, type the fully qualified name of the hash table key for the
Telnet BIC activity's result set. For example:
The result set is a string that stores the output of the Telnet session. You would see this same output on-screen if you were manually interacting with the Telnet session. The result set name and its output string are a key/value pair. The result set string can be viewed by adding its key to a work item viewer.
Note: Result set names should not include spaces, or characters other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the underscore character (_).The exit codes from the semicolon-delimited commands are not written to the result set. The same is true for stdout (standard output) and stderr (standard error).
- If needed, in the Timeout field, type the number of seconds that should be allowed for Telnet commands to complete. If you leave this field blank or enter a zero, then Telnet commands will not time out.