Settings Tab - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 11.0

EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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The Settings tab contains the Endpoint URL, Method Namespace URI, URI Encoding Style, Method Name, Action URI, Result Key, Number of Parameters text fields, and the Parameters list.

Each field can be substituted with work item properties by surrounding the property name with percent signs. In this case, its parameters will be referred to as dynamic parameters.

Note: The percent sign is used to identify work item properties. In order for the work item properties to be included in the statement, it should be enclosed with percent signs. So if you want to use the percent sign in the SQL statement, put a backslash in front of each percent sign, for example:'\%productName\%' resolves to %productName%.
  1. In the URL text field, type in the Endpoint URL that identifies the SOAP service. For example,
  2. In the URI field, type in the SOAP URI of the namespace for the service. For example, urn:BorlandBabellntf-IBorlandBabel.
  3. Type the name of method to be invoked from the SOAP server in the Method Name field. For instance, BabelFish.
  4. The Action URI is an optional input for SOAP service. If necessary, the user may type it in the Action URI text field. For example, urn:BorlandBabelIntf-IBorlandBabel#BabelFish.
  5. In the Result Key field, type in the base name of work item where all results are to be stored.
  6. When the parameters are defined dynamically, the Number of Parameters field for service should be set. Otherwise, if the parameters are fully defined in the parameters section, this field should be left blank.
  7. In the Parameters list, each parameter is defined on a separate line if the number of parameters is fixed. The name, value, and type of each parameter are also specified.

    If the number of parameters is dynamic, only the first parameter should be defined and must serve as the template for each parameter. The asterisk indicates where the parameter index (starting with 0) should be inserted. For example, the template SOAP.Parm*.key indicates that the parameter names will be defined as SOAP.Parm0.key, SOAP.Parm1.key, SOAP.Parm2.key, and so on, in the work item.

    Note: The following are the supported data types for SOAP BIC: string, java.lang.String, boolean, value, double, integer, int, long, short, decimal, base64Binary, hexBinary, byte, value, dateTime, and QName.
  8. To add an entry to the list of parameters, click the Add button and then type in the name, value, and type of the parameter to be added.
  9. To remove an entry from the list of parameters, select the parameter to be removed and then click the Remove button.