Settings Tab - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 11.0

EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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The Settings tab contains the Script File Location and Result Set boxes and the property hash parameters table.

To add parameters to the property hash table:

  1. In the Script File Location field, specify the path to the script file by clicking the Browse button and selecting the script file from the File dialog box or by typing the script file path.
    Note: When the BIC is used in a clustered environment, make sure that the folders and/or script files that will be indicated are existing in and pointing to where the BIC Manager server is installed.
  2. In the Result Set box, enter the name for the executed Command Line BIC activity's result set. A result set is a string that stores the output of the executed script. You would see this same output onscreen if you were manually executing the script in the operating system shell.

    The result set name and its output string are a key/value pair. The result set string can be viewed by adding its key to a work item viewer.

    Note: Result set names should not include spaces, or characters other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the underscore character ( _ ).
  3. Click Add to enter parameter keys and values into the property hash parameters table. In the table cells that appear, type the name of the first key used by the script file, followed by its value. The value can be a Process Exchange work item variable or constant, a Process Exchange system variable or constant, or a constant that you choose yourself. Repeat this procedure for each key in the script file.
    Note: If your script writes a file and you want to preserve each written file, you must include a string that gives each new file a unique name. Otherwise, each time the process flow is started, the previous file will be overwritten. You can use any replaceable parameter that returns a unique value. You can have Process Exchange create a unique name for each file by using the Process Exchange system parameter: %sys.workitem.version.uid%
  4. Save the data entered and proceed to another tab by clicking Apply. Clicking OK will also save the data entered and exit the Command Line BIC editor. To cancel saving the data entered, click Cancel.