Initiate scheduled imports by sending in an input parameter of comma-delimited list of scheduled imports. Random UUID numbers are generated for each scheduled import and result stored in Parameter1 for each corresponding scheduled import for later scheduled import job status tracking. If the optional name/value pairs are defined, the Parameter1 attribute is NOT populated with the UUID. Instead only the designated attributes are updated with the specified values.
- scheduledImports - Comma-delimited list of scheduled imports to initiate.
- importAttributeName_N - Name of the Scheduled Import Attribute to be updated with importAttributeValue_<number>. If the first field is defined, the UUID is not generated and instead only the specified name/value pairs are updated in the designated attributes in the Import job being launched. Where N is from 0 to 19
- importAttributeValue_N - Name of the Scheduled Import Attribute to be updated with importAttributeValue_N
- ScheduledImportsParameters - Colon-delimited list of Parameter1s for each corresponding inputs of Scheduled Imports
- action - Results of e-mail send operation (success or fail)
- errMsg - Detailed error message if action is fail