Workflows are managed in the Workflow Task Manager, which can be opened in the Workflow Task Manager tab or the Workflow Task Manager widget. For a detailed descriptiong of the Workflow Task Manger, see: Workflow Task Manager in Detail
View a Work Item
To view work items:
Open the Workflow Task Manager Widget or open the Workflow Task Manager in a tab: open the Feature Sidebar, select the Administration tab, and select Workflow Task Manager.
- At the far left of the Workflow Task Manager's activity bar is the
Select Work Item List dropdown.
Select the desired list of work items to view:
My Active Work Items: A list of the user's work items.
All Active Work Items: Permitted users will see all the active work items in the system.
All Completed Work Items: Permitted users will see all the completed work items in the system.
Use Work Item View Profiles (Box Profiles)
Work Item View Profiles (also called Box Profiles) determine the format of the columns in the Workflow Task Manager. By default, the Workflow Task Manager uses the system defined Work Item View Profile. System Administrators can also define Work Item View Profiles.
To select a Work Item View Profile:
Open the Workflow Task Manager Widget or open the Workflow Task Manager in a tab: open the Feature Sidebar, select the Administration tab, and select Workflow Task Manager.
- The Work Item View Profile selector allows users to select which Work Item View Profile they want to use in the Workflow Task Manager.
View a Work Item's Properties
To view a work item's properties:
Open the Workflow Task Manager Widget or open the Workflow Task Manager in a tab: open the Feature Sidebar, select the Administration tab, and select Workflow Task Manager.
- Select the desired work item and click the View Properties button on the Workflow Task Manager's activity bar.
- A View Properties window will appear. It displays all the work item's
properties and their values. The View Properties window has two tabs:
Properties: This tab displays properties specific to that work item.
System Attributes: This tab displays values that are common to all workflows.
Advance a Work Item
Depending on system configuration, the user may be able to advance a work item through the Workflow Task Manager. If the system is configured to allow it, eligible work items have a Submit Work Item button in the second unlabeled column.
Otherwise, to advance the work item the user must click the Open Record/Repository icon to open the record or repository and advance the work item from there. For more information, see Workflow in Detail Editor: Advance a Work Item.
To advance a work item in the Workflow Task Manager:
Open the Workflow Task Manager Widget or open the Workflow Task Manager in a tab: open the Feature Sidebar, select the Administration tab, and select Workflow Task Manager.
- Click the desired record's Submit Work Item button .
- A Workflow Submission window will appear. It lists one or more options for advancing the work item. Select an option to expand it.
- Edit the contents of the Workflow Submission window as desired.
- To save the changes to the work item and advance the work item (send it back to the workflow), select Send. To exit the Workflow Submission window without advancing the work item, select Cancel.
Open the Repository Containing a Work Item's Records
The repository records associated with a work item can be accessed through the Workflow Task Manager. To access the records:
Open the Workflow Task Manager Widget or open the Workflow Task Manager in a tab: open the Feature Sidebar, select the Administration tab, and select Workflow Task Manager.
- The user's active work items will be listed in the Workflow Task Manager. Select the Open Repository icon for the desired work item.
- If the work item is associated with more than one record, the repository holding those records will be opened in a Repository View. It will show only the associated records. If the work item is associated with only one record, depending on system configuration, either the record's repository will be opened in a Repository View and it will only list the associated record, or the record will be opened in the Detail Editor.
Clear a Work Item Error
If an automatic process returns an error when triggered by a work item, the work item is halted in the workflow. The work item error can be cleared and the automated process triggered to attempt to advance the work item again.
To clear a work item error:
Open the Workflow Task Manager Widget or open the Workflow Task Manager in a tab: open the Feature Sidebar, select the Administration tab, and select Workflow Task Manager.
- The user's active work items will be listed in the Workflow Task Manager. Select the work item with the error that is to be cleared and click the Clear Error button on the Workflow Task Manager's activity bar.
- The work item's error will be cleared and the work item will be resubmitted to the workflow process it had previously failed. If the failure was due to environmental conditions that have been resolved, it will successfully process the activity and continue on in the workflow. If the error conditions are still present, the work item will again be flagged as being In Error.
Purge a Workflow
Users with sufficient permissions can purge workflows. For more information, see Purge a Workflow using the New UI