Import Widget - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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Depending on the user's permissions, the Import widget allows the user to import records into the specified repository. The import file can be dragged and dropped into the widget, or the user can click the widget's drop region to browse for the import file.

The Import widget imports record data in the same manner as imports triggered from the Repository View. For more information about importing records, see Import Records.

Figure 1. Import widget

Configuring Import Widget

To configure an Import widget:

  1. Configure a new blank widget. For more information about adding and configuring new widgets, see Add a Widget.

  2. Select the Settings icon in the upper right of the new widget's activity bar. Note that a widget's activity bar will not be displayed unless the cursor is hovering over the top of the widget. A Configuration window will appear.

  3. Select Import from the Type dropdown menu on the far right of the widget Configuration window. The Import widget configuration options will appear.
  4. The options for the Import widget operate in the same manner as the options for importing record data from the Repository View. For more information about configuring imports, see Import Records. Edit the Import options as desired.
    • Title: The title of the widget. It is helpful if the title of the widget reflects the source of the data as well as the widget's type, for example "Product Staging Import".

    • Repository: Select the repository records will be imported into.

    • Select Import Type:

      • Current View: The record attribute values are imported simply from a delimited file or spreadsheet.

      • Defined Template: Allows the user to specify an Import Template to be used. Import Templates are typically created by the system administrator.

      • Create Saved Set: (Optional) This uses an imported spreadsheet that specifies a list of existing records in a repository to create a saved set in that repository. No actual record content is changed.

      • Pending Content Changes: (Optional) Select to enter changes that take effect in the future (see Events).

    • Advanced Options: (Optional)

      Advanced Import Options


      File Source Type

      • Upload File
      • File on Server

      Import Type

      • Insert
      • Delete

      File Format

      • Delimited
      • Excel 97 – 2003 (xls)
      • Excel Workbook (xlsx)
      Approval Required  

      File Encoding

      Select the file encoding method. Optionally, leave as Default unless the data does not import correctly, then see the system administrator for the correct option.


      Select the language for the export (for multi-language attributes).

      Save Records Imported From Source as Set

      This option will create a Saved Set consisting of all records that have been imported.

      Saved Set

      -- New.

      -- Select an existing set.

      New Saved Set Name

      The name of the saved set to send to Workflow.

      Send Above Saved Set to Workflow

      Set this checkbox if the records are to be sent into the workflow. It is just like editing each record and clicking the Save & Send button.

      New Saved Set Description

      The description of the Saved Set sent to workflow.

      Save Records in Repository but Not Imported from Source as Set


      Existing Saved Set Name


      Existing Saved Set Description


      File Definition Name

      This setting has been deprecated.

      Data Source Name

      This setting has been deprecated.

      Mapping Name

      This setting has been deprecated.

      Text Qualifier

      Enter the character or characters that indicate the start and end of a text string value.

      Field Delimiter

      Enter tthe character or characters that delimit field values in the import file.

      Row Delimiter

      Enter the character or characters that delimit rows in the import file.

      Header row number

      Defaults to 1.

      Start at line #

      Defaults to 2.

      Start after line text

      Enter the text that identifies the line before the start of the import records.

      Stop at end of file

      The default option.

      Stop at line #

      Instead of stopping at the end of the file, stop at the specified line number.

      Stop before line text

      Instead of stopping at the end of the file or at a line number, stop before reaching the entered line of text.


      Non-Primary Key Data

      Use a non-primary key attribute as the primary key.

      Column Count

      If set, this option will flag any row having a different number of columns than the header row.

      Required Attributes

      This option will prevent a record that is missing required attributes from being imported.

      Unique Business Key (If defined in configuration)

      If a business key is defined in the profile, use it as the primary key.

      Column Data Type

      This option will prevent a record with incorrect data types from being imported.

      Sync In Options:

      Sync In Options


      Keep repository values if Import values are empty/null

      If the import file's attribute value is empty, keep the existing attribute value instead of clearing the value.

      Use alternative primary keys


      Extend Data in One Row Format


      Ignore white space

      Ignore any extra spaces before or after the data in the import file. This option defaults to checked.

      Update Only

      Only update records that already exist in repository; do not create new records.

      If an error occurs, discard saved objects

      If an error occurs in the import process, the underlying import objects will be deleted

      Create Only

      Only add new records, do not update any records that already exist in the repository.

      Validate Afterwards


      Sync In

      Starts import job. Uncheck to save objects without starting import.

      Allow External Trigger

      Allow triggers to be processed.

      Save Mapping

      Save underlying objects as mappings which can be rerun again.

      Disallow Null Primary Keys

      Ignore import record if any of its primary keys are blank.

      Force job to run as a 1st-time data load

      Runs the job as if it were a first-time data load. This increases performance and decreases load time, however it may create duplicate records that will not have accurate record histories.

      Sync Format Date for PLT

      The format for dates found during the import process. It allows the user to ensure that all dates are consistently formatted. For information about this field, contact EnterWorks.

      Sync Scan HTML for PLT

      For information about this field, contact EnterWorks.

      Sync Scan XML for PLT

      For information about this field, contact EnterWorks.

      Taxonomy Node


      Map Across All Taxonomies


      Update All Records on Partial Key Matching

  5. Click Apply to save the changes to the widget and close the Configuration window.

  6. If you want your Dashboard configuration to remain after you switch tabs or log out, click the Save Layout button on the Dashboard's activity bar, otherwise your Dashboard will revert to its last saved configuration.