Multi-language Behavior for Imports - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The goal of exporting records using Current View is for the output file to look like what you see when you look at a repository view.

Default Language

The default language is English (United States), which is has the language code "en-us". For more information about the default language and how EnterWorks supports multi-language attributes, see Multi-language Support.

Attribute multi-language properties

An attribute's multi-language properties are:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Value (for VARCHAR attributes only)

Language import setting

If a column in the import file is mapped to a repository attribute but the Language variant of the attribute is not specified, the imported column's values will be imported into the selected Language's variant of the repository attribute. If no Language is selected, the column will be imported into the default language's variant of the repository attribute. If the target attribute does not have the selected Language enabled, the value will be uploaded to the default language's variant of the attribute.

For example, if there is an attribute titled "Product" and the Language selected is Polish, the column values will be imported into Product's Polish variant of the attribute values.

Attribute automapping

For imports using a template, EnterWorks will attempt to match the source column name specified in the template to the column names in the import file. Column names in the format:
will be assumed to be the language variant of the attribute. For example, if there is a target attribute named:
and the import file contains a column titled:
Brand FR
EnterWorks will assume that Brand FR should be mapped as the French variant of the attribute named Brand.

Current View imports are automapped the same way, except that EnterWorks will attempt to map attributes whose names follow the same format shown in preferences:

If the import file contains a column titled:
Brand (French) 
EnterWorks will assume it should be automapped as the French variant of the attribute named Brand.

EnterWorks does not automap attributes based on the user's session language. For example, if your session language is French and you import a column named Brand, the import column will be automapped to the Brand attribute's default language variant, not the French variant.

EnterWorks is not able to automap input columns with duplicate names.

EnterWorks is not always able to automap all attributes or it may map them in a way you don't want, so make sure to check the attribute mappings before you import a file.

Alternative primary keys

When a multi-language attribute is selected as the alternative primary key, then the designated language is used to match values for the same language. The selected language is either the language selected in the import, or the self-identified language on the selected column when multiple languages are included for the same target attribute.

For example, if the alternative primary key is an attribute named Brand and the Language setting in the import is Japanese EnterWorks will attempt to use the Japanese variant of the attribute values to match records for insert or update. So if the record being imported has Brand's attribute value as "XYZ", EnterWorks will try to find a record with Brand's Japenese value as "XYZ". If it finds a record, the import record's values will be imported into that record. If it does not find a record, the import file's values will be added as a new record.

To allow the import of multiple language variants of an alternative primary key, if these import column headings contain a language code extension, EnterWorks will match the imported language variant against the target attribute's language variant.

When a multi-language attribute is selected as the alternative primary key, the Language setting specified in the import is used to match values for the same language. If the alternative the l language on the selected column when multiple languages are included for the same target attribute.