Multi-language Behavior for CSV, XLS, and XLSX Export Templates - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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Default Language

The default language is English (United States), which is has the language code "en-us". For more information about the default language and how EnterWorks supports multi-language attributes, see Multi-language Support.

Attribute multi-language properties

An attribute's multi-language properties are:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Value (for VARCHAR attributes only)

When you export a multi-language attribute, the output language's variant of the attribute will be used. For example, if the output language is Polish, the Polish variant of the value and the Polish variant of the attribute name will be used. If no language is selected, the session language will be used.

Output language

When you start an export, if you select Advanced Options, you can select an output language. The output language is the language that will be used for the column headers. If you do not select an output language, the session language will be used as the output language.


Export templates allow you to choose one or more languages for the export. For each language you choose, EnterWorks will include that language's variant of the attributes in the export. For example, if you choose Polish, Japanese, and Chinese, the Polish, Japanese and Chinese language variants of the attributes will be exported.

Export attribute values

If an output language is specified, the attribute value exported will be the output language's variant of the value. If the attribute has no value for the specified language, the value will be left empty.

The value of State attributes that are of type VARCHAR are translated into the output language. State attributes of type DATE or TIMESTAMP are never translated.

For example, if your session language is Swedish and the attribute value variants for the default language, Polish, and French are defined, then:

  • If the output language selected is Swedish, the value would be left empty because there is no Swedish language variant of the value defined.
  • If the output language selected is Polish, the Polish variant of the value will be used.
  • If the output language selected is German, the value would be empty because there is no German language variant of the value defined.
  • If no output language is selected, the value would be left empty because there is no Swedish language variant of the value defined.

Export column headers

If an output language is specified, the column header will use the output language's variant of the attribute's name. If the attribute name does not have a value for the output language, the default language's variant will be used.

For each Language you choose, EnterWorks will include that language's variant of the attributes in the export. When EnterWorks writes the column header for a language's variant of the attribute, if that language is not the output language, EnterWorks will append the name of the language to the attribute name.

For example, if the output language is English, and the Languages enabled are French and German, the column names will be in the form:

  • <attribute-name> French
  • <attribute-name> German

The exception to this is that the default language's name will not be added to the column heading unless the default language is selected specifically. If you include the default language, the name of the default language will be added to the column header.

State attribute column headers will be translated to the output language.

Example column headers

For example, if EnterWorks was configured to support:

  • the default language
  • Swedish
  • French
  • Polish
  • German

and the session language is: Swedish

if the attribute's name has been defined for:

  • the default language: Town
  • Polish: Miasto
  • French: Ville

the column headers would be:

  • If the output language selected is Swedish, the default language value will be used because there is no Swedish language variant of the attribute name. The headers for the attribute would be:
    Table 1.
    Attribute language Column heading
    Town Town
    Town's German language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-German>
    Town's French language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-French>
    Town's Polish language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-Polish>
    Town's Swedish language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-Swedish>
  • If the output language selected is Polish, the Polish language value will be used. The column heading would be: Nazwa. Since there is a Polish language variant of the attribute name, the Polish variant of the attribute name will be used.
    Table 2.
    Attribute and language Column heading
    Town Miasto
    Town's German language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-German>
    Town's French language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-French>
    Town's Polish language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-Polish>
    Town's Swedish language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-Swedish>
  • If the output language selected is German, the default language value will be used because there is no German language value defined. The column heading would be: Nazwa.
    Table 3.
    Attribute and language Column heading
    Town Town
    Town's German language variant Town <German-word-for-German>
    Town's French language variant Town <German-word-for-French>
    Town's Polish language variant Town <German-word-for-Polish>
    Town's Swedish language variant Town <German-word-for-Polish>
  • If no output language is selected, the session language will be used: Swedish. However, since there is no Swedish language variant of the attribute name, the default language variant will be used. The column heading would be: Town.
    Table 4.
    Attribute and language Column heading
    Town Town
    Town's German language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-German>
    Town's French language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-French>
    Town's Polish language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-Polish>
    Town's Swedish language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-Swedish>