Hierarchy Manager - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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The Hierarchy Manager can be used to manage Hierarchies that have been configured with at least one node. For instructions on configuring a Hierarchy with the first node, see .

Open a Hierarchy in the Hierarchy Manager

To open a Hierarchy in the Hierarchy Manager:

  1. Open the repository's Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar, (see Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar).
  2. Select the desired hierarchy and click the Manage icon on the left of the Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar's activity bar. The Hierarchy will be opened in the Hierarchy Manager.

Hierarchy Manager

The Hierarchy Manager allows you to add nodes, delete nodes, copy nodes, and assign/reassign records to nodes.

The Hierarchy Manager's interface is composed of four sections:

The Hierarchy's current node tree

The left pane of the Hierarchy Manager displays the Hierarchy's current node tree. It is used to:

  • Add, edit, and delete nodes
  • Manage the Hierarchy's security
  • Manage record assignment

Expand and collapse buttons to view a node's children nodes.

The actions on the Hierarchy Manager's activity bar are:

  • Add: to add a node to the Hierarchy's current node tree.

  • Edit: to edit the node selected in the Hierarchy's current node tree.

  • Delete: to delete a node from the Hierarchy's current node tree.

  • Product toggle: If enabled, (it will be green):

    • If the Source Hierarchy tab is showing, records assigned to nodes in the Hierarchy's current node tree will be displayed.

    • If the Saved Set sidebar is showing, Saved Sets can be used to filter all the repository's records to facilitate assigning selected records to a nodes.

Hierarchy Manager center pane

The central display section of the Hierarchy Manager is called the center pane.

  • If the Saved Set tab (on the right of the display) is selected, the center pane acts as a Repository View and has a Repository View's functionality. Selecting a Saved Set in the Source pane will cause its records to be displayed in the Repository View.

    Warning: Selecting records from the center pane and clicking Delete on the Hierarchy Manager's activity bar will delete your records.
  • If the Source Hierarchy tab is selected, the center pane acts as an Inline Editor.

Clicking a record assigned to a node in the Hierarchy's current node tree will cause the record to be displayed in the center pane. Note that records only appear in the Hierarchy's current node tree if the Product toggle on the Hierarchy Manager's activity bar is set to ON, (it is green).

Source Hierarchy tab

The Source Hierarchy tab is on the right of the screen and it toggles back and forth with the Saved Set tab. It allows you to copy nodes from a Hierarchy or Taxonomy and add them to the Hierarchy's current node tree.

The Source Hierarchy dropdown allows you to choose a Hierarchy or Taxonomy to use as a source for new nodes. When a node is selected, its node tree is displayed. Node names preceded by a have children nodes. To display them click the >.

To add one or more nodes to the current Hierarchy, select the node or group of nodes from the Source Hierarchy and drag and drop them where desired in the Hierarchy's current node tree.

Saved Set sidebar

The Saved Set sidebar can be accessed from the Hierarchy Manager. It appears on the right of the screen and it toggles back and forth with the Source Hierarchy tab. The Saved Set sidebar is fully functional and allows management of Saved Sets.

When the Saved Set sidebar is initially opened, all the records in the repository will be displayed in the center pane in a Repository View. The Repository View is fully functional.

Selecting a Saved Set will cause only its records to be displayed.

Records can be assigned to a node in the Hierarchy's current node tree by dragging and dropping them (singly or as a group) from the center pane to the node, or by dragging and dropping an entire Saved Set from the Saved Set sidebar to the node. When dragging and dropping records, wait for the node name to be highlighted in green before dropping the records.