Create a Hierarchy - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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EnterWorks Guide
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To create a Hierarchy for a repository:

  1. Open the repository's Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar, (see Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar).
  2. Click Add on the Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar's activity bar.
  3. The Add Hierarchy editor will appear. It will be displaying the Details page. Edit its options:
    • Name: (Required) The name of the Hierarchy.
    • Description: (Optional) A description of the Hierarchy.
    • Hierarchy Folder: (Required; cannot be changed once set.) A folder to store the Hierarchy. The folder must be already created before attempting to create a Hierarchy. If the Hierarchy folder is not specified, an error may be generated when you attempt to save the Hierarchy.
    • Properties Repository: (Optional) A repository to hold Hierarchy properties. It can be used instead of managing properties in the Property page of the Edit Code Set window.
    • Path Code: The manner in which the Hierarchy node's path is stored.
      • No Path: Only the node name is stored.
      • Full Path: Only the names of the node's ancestors and the name of the node itself are stored.
      • Relative Path: The names of the node's ancestors and the name of the node itself are stored. Placeholders are inserted for descendent nodes. The placeholders contain the filler values for the descendent nodes.
    • Path Format: This appears if you select Full Path or Relative Path for the Path Code. It specifies the format of how the path is stored:
      • Delimited: Node names are separated by a period.
      • Fixed: Node names are known by their position in the path.
    • Source: (Required.) The source of the codes and descriptions:
      • Detail Editor: You will enter the node levels on the Add/Edit Hierarchy editor's Levels page.
      • From an Existing Set: The codes will be copied from an existing Hierarchy or Code Set.
      • Import from a file: The codes will be imported from a file.
      • Auto-build from Selected Attributes: The Hierarchy will be automatically populated.
    • Include Owner: If selected, an additional column titled User will appear. A check in this column means that only the user defined as the owner of the code value will have edit permission to item data containing that value.
    • User: The owner's username. If Include Owner is checked, this field is required.
  4. Click Next to move to the Property page.
  5. Properties are optional. They are custom metadata fields that can be added to a Hierarchy. If you want to add properties, edit the configuration options:
    • Property Name: (Required) The name that will appear as the header of the property's metadata column.
    • Datatype: (Required) The data type of the property's value.
    • Default Value: (Optional) A default value for the property.
    • Code Set: (Optional) If the property values are drawn from a Code Set, select the name of the Code Set to be used.
    • Display Order: (Optional) Indicate the order the properties will be displayed.
  6. Click Next to move to the Levels page.
  7. The levels you define are what determines the depth of your Hierarchy tree. For example, if you define three levels, your Hierarchy will have a parent level, child level, and grandchild level.
    • To add a level, click the Level Name field and enter the name of the level. After you enter the Level Name, the Add button will appear to the right of the Filler Value.
    • Click the Add button to add your level to the Hierarchy definition and to open an editor for the next level.

    • To remove a level, click the button to the right of the Filler Value.
    • If the Hierarchy's path is Fixed, the number of characters in the Level Name must be specified.
  8. When the Hierarchy configuration options have been edited as desired, click Save to save the Hierarchy, or click the Cancel button to exit without saving the Hierarchy.
  9. The display will revert to the Hierarchy/Taxonomy sidebar. If a Hierarchy has been added, it should appear. If the new Hierarchy does not appear, clear the cache and click the Refresh button.
  10. The new Hierarchy does not yet have nodes defined. Until nodes are defined, selecting the new Hierachy will not change the display of records in the Repository View.