Detail Editor - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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EnterWorks Guide
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The Detail Editor allows you to select a record from a Repository View and open it in a full-screen display for editing.

Detail Editor Reference Guide

Figure 1. Detail Editor Reference Guide

Preferences in the Detail Editor

When a record is opened in the Detail Editor, it is displayed according to the Favorite Detail Editor Preference. If no Preference has been selected, the record will be displayed as defined in the repository's Default Preference. If no Default Preference has been selected, all record attributes will be shown.

Session Language in the Detail Editor

English (EN-US) is the EnterWorks default language. If the session language is not the default language, when you are in the detail editor, a Show English toggle will appear on the right end of the ribbon. If you toggle it to on (move the toggle to the right), in addition to showing the session language's multi-language attribute values, the editor will also show the default language's multi-language attributes values.

Open a Record in the Detail Editor

To open a record in the Detail Editor:

  1. Open the desired repository in a Repository View. To do so, open the Feature sidebar, select the desired folder, and select the desired repository.
  2. Double-clicking on a record's attribute field will open the record in the Detail Editor. (Clicking once on an attribute field will activate the Attribute Value Editor. For more information, see Attribute Value Editor.)

    Additionally, each record within a repository opens in a separate tab to easily navigate, view, and compare the data from multiple records simultaneously. However, if you choose to open multiple records within a repository, the details will only be displayed in a single tab.

  3. Alternatively, you may select the record, then click the Edit button on the Repository View's activity bar.

Edit a Record in the Detail Editor

To edit a record in the Detail Editor, first open it in the Detail Editor.

Scroll Records

The Scroll Records controller is at the top of the Detail Editor beneath the Save button on the Activity bar.

<current-record-number> of <total-number of records>.

It allows you to scroll through the records in the repository without leaving the Detail Editor. The records are displayed in the order of their sequence number (which should not be confused with the records' primary key or item ID). If you switch to the Repository View tab, sort the records into a different order, then reopen the Detail Editor, the Scroll Records controller will use the new sort order.

Attribute Tabs and Attribute Groups

Below the Scroll controller is the Attribute List. It is an expandable list of the record's Attribute Tabs, Attribute Groups, and attributes.

Clicking an Attribute Tab expands it and displays its Attribute Tabs and attributes in the editing pane in the center of the screen. To scroll through the attributes in the editing pane, use the scroll slider on the right.

Repositories can be linked in parent-child link relationships. Child repositories can be configured to use the Unified Parent Child View so that when a child record is opened in the Detail Editor, specific attributes from its parent record will be displayed and can be edited. The locations where the parent attributes will appear in the Detail Editor is configurable, so for more information about where specific parent attributes appear, contact your business administrator.

Validation Errors and Warnings

The Attribute List notes any validation errors or warnings the record may have by highlighting the affected attributes in red. The Attribute Groups and Attribute Tabs display a count of their attribute values with errors (in red) and warnings (in yellow). Hovering over an affected attribute will cause the error or warning message to display.

In the editing pane, the names of attributes with values that fail validation will be displayed in red for errors and yellow for warnings. Error or warning message will be written below the attribute values.

Validation errors and warning rules can be placed on specific language values of multi-language attributes. For example, you could specify that an attribute's Spanish value cannot be empty. If a multi-language attribute has a validation error or warning on an attribute's language value and that language variant is not currently being displayed, to see the error message you will need to click the attribute's Multi-language icon to open the list of all the language values to see which language value has the error.

For example, if there is a rule that states that an attribute's Spanish value cannot be empty but currently your session language is French, the editing pane will not show the attribute's Spanish value. To see the attribute's Spanish value and any error messages associated with it, you will have to open the list of language values.

Records can be saved with errors. The level of each error and their effect on the record's validation status is discussed in more detail in Record Validation. When a record with errors or warnings is saved, a warning message appears at the bottom of the Detail Editor.

Attribute History

Clicking an attribute's label will cause a pop-up window to appear that displays the attribute's history. Clicking the Full History button in the pop-up window causes the Record History tab to open and display the attribute's change history. For more information, see Record Change History.

Attribute values may be edited by clicking their attribute field. Different attribute data types determine how each attribute will be edited. For example, clicking a DATE field will allow you to edit the text of the field or to select a date from a pop-up calendar.

A multi-language icon will appear at the far right of attribute fields configured for multi-language capability. Clicking the multi-language icon will bring up a Multi-language Editor window that will allow you to enter text to be displayed for each supported language. The list of supported languages are determined during system configuration. For more information about multi-language fields, see Editing Multi-language Fields.

Clicking the External Editor icon that appears on the far right of some attributes causes a custom editor to open. Custom editors are designed specifically for how your enterprise uses your data. An example of a custom editor that may be available to you is Address Validation.

Clicking the Edit All toggle in the Detail Editor's activity bar opens all the attribute fields for editing.

Some attributes have calculated values. EnterWorks calculates their value from the values of other attributes when the record is saved. Any data you enter into a calculated attribute value will be overwritten when EnterWorks calculates the attribute's value, unless your EnterWorks system has been configured to behave differently.

To save changes you have made to a record, click the Save button on the left end of the Detail Editor's Activity bar. To exit the Detail Editor without saving changes, close the Detail Editor without clicking the Save button.


If you want multiple records to have the same value for an attribute, you can edit them using the Multi-Edit capability. When you use Multi-Edit, any attribute values you modify will be saved to all the records you are editing. The Multi-Edit capability is available in the Detail Editor, but not in the Inline Editor or Attribute Value Editor.

To edit multiple records:

  1. Open the desired repository in a Repository View. To do so, open the Feature sidebar, select the desired folder, and select the desired repository.
  2. Select the desired records. This can be done individually, or through the use of a Search, Hierarchy, or Saved Set.
  3. Click the Edit button on the Repository View's activity bar to open the Detail Editor. The Detail Editor will be opened in the Multi-Edit state. All attributes with identical values will be opened for editing. If an attribute is multi-language, the session language's variant value will be displayed. For example, if your UI is using Spanish, the Spanish value of the attribute will be displayed.

    To clear an attribute value across all selected records, type anything into the attribute's field then erase it.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.