Upload Digital Assets through Widget or DamMaster - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The only difference between uploading digital assets through the Upload Digital Assets widget or by opening DamMaster in a repository view is that when you upload through the repository view, status is reported more quickly. It is reported to the repository view once every 5 seconds. It can take up to a minute for the first status to be reported to the widget, but once files begin uploading, status will be reported every 5 seconds. For information about factors that affect image upload and processing speeds, see Factors that Affect Image Processing

To upload digital assets through the Upload Digital Assets widget or by opening DamMaster in a repository view:

  1. Open the Upload Digital Assets pane:
    • Open the Upload Digital Assets widget. Depending on how the widget is configured, the Upload Digital Assets pane will either be displayed in the widget or it will open in a new window.
    • Open the DamMaster repository in a repository view, then click Upload in the toolbar.
  2. The Upload Digital Assets pane contains:
    • File Name: The names of the digital assets being uploaded.
    • Progress: Status bars show approximately how much processing has been completed. The progress bar percentage does not correspond to each variant step, it is a general representation of the progress of background operations and does not guarantee the order of variants being generated. Even if Progress indicates 100% , the variant generation and uploading of the image is not complete until the Status value is Completed.
    • Details: Clicking an asset's information icon will open a window that shows more detailed status:
      • Variant: The name of the variant or the sub-process.
      • Status: Status of the variant's generation or the sub-process's completion.
    • Status: Status of the file upload process and variant generation. If you need to take action to continue processing an asset, a message will appear in this column. The file is not finished processing until the Status value is Completed.
    • Server Backlog: Indicates how many images are being uploaded by all users. The only assets of yours that will be included are the assets that have been uploaded to the server and have begun processing. A stoplight icon provides an approximate indication of how many images are in the backlog.
      • Green: 0 to 30 images.
      • Yellow: 31 to 60 images.
      • Red: More than 60 images
    • Your Backlog: Indicates how many of the images you dropped into the upload window have not yet finished processing.
  3. Either drag and drop files to the center of the window or click the center of the dialog and select one or more files to upload.
  4. The upload will start. The Status column will be updated to indicate the progress of each asset. Scroll up and down to see the status messages for all your files. All upload status is recorded in the system logs.
    • If an error occurs while a file is being uploaded to the server, the upload will fail and the image will not be stored.
    • Variant generation occurs after a file is uploaded to the server. If an error occurs during variant generation, the original asset will still have been uploaded and added to DAM. Some variants may still generate correctly and be stored.
    • If an error occurs while uploading an image's metadata, the Status column will indicate the error but the upload will not fail. The original asset will still have been uploaded and added to DAM and the variants will still be generated and stored.
  5. If a file has the same name as a file that already exists in DamMaster, a message in the Status column will ask if you want to overwrite the existing file. Click the check button to overwrite the existing file.
  6. To halt an upload of digital assets:
    • If an image has not yet begun uploading to the server, an X will appear to the right of the status message. To remove only that asset from the upload, click the X.
    • If you click Clear while assets are uploading, any file that has not yet begun uploading to the server will be cleared from the window and will not be uploaded. Assets with a Completed status are cleared. Assets in the process of being uploaded and processed will continue.
    • Clicking Cancel does not cancel the upload and processing of assets. It closes the window. If you click Cancel while assets are being uploaded or processed, the Upload Digital Assets window will close, but the assets will still be uploaded and processed.
  7. When all the files have a Status value of Completed, the upload and processing of variants is finished. You can scroll through the status messages or open the detailed status for a particular asset. For more detailed status, check the DAM system logs.
  8. The digital assets will be displayed in the window until you click Clear, even if you close and reopen the window.
  9. To close the Upload Digital Assets window, click the Cancel button at the bottom of the window.