Codeset API: Code Set Controller - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The Codeset APIs are used to manage the code sets, code set details, and code set detail property lists used in EnterWorks. You can also import or export code sets, as well as view the encoding list or available delimiters for the import file. The Codeset APIs can also be used to create reports such as a hierarchical codes report for the specified code set or a list of the available files in a specified hierarchy or taxonomy.

For information about accessing the EnterWorks Swagger pages documentation, see REST APIs Interactive Swagger Page.

Codeset API Endpoints

POST /api/codeSetDetail/count:

  • Retrieves a map of code set IDs and a count of code set details.

  • The code set IDs parameter (codeSetIds) is required.

POST /api/codeSetDetails:

  • Creates the code set detail for a specified code set ID (codeSetId).

  • The default value for the isActiveInd attribute is "1".

DELETE /api/codeSetDetails/{codeSetDetailId}:

  • Deletes the specified code set detail (codeSetDetailId).

    Note: A job will be created for each repository passed in the repositoryIdList parameter.

GET /api/codeSetDetails/{codeSetDetailId}:

  • Retrieves the specified code set detail (codeSetDetailID).

PUT /api/codeSetDetails/{codeSetDetailId}:

  • Updates the specified code set detail (codeSetDetailID).

    Note: A job will be created for each repository passed in the repositoryIdList parameter to replace any changed code values. This is NOT the recommended method for updating a code set.

GET /api/codeSetDetails/{codeSetDetailId}/properties:

  • Retrieves the specified code set detail property list (codeSetDetailId).

PUT /api/codeSetDetails/{codeSetDetailId}/properties:

  • Updates the specified code set detail property (codeSetDetailId).

GET /api/codeSetTypes:

  • Retrieves a list of data model folders for the specified type.

GET /api/codeSetTypes/{codeSetTypeId}:

  • Retrieves a folder with the specified ID (codeSetTypeId) for one of the following:

    • Code set

    • Hierarchy

    • All Code set and sub types

    • Taxonomy

GET /api/codeSetTypes/{codeSetTypeId}/codeSets:

  • Retrieves a list of code sets in the specified code set type/code set folder (codeSetTypeId).

GET /api/codeSets:

  • Retrieves a list of available code sets.

POST /api/codeSets:

  • Creates a new code set.

GET /api/codeSets/exportFileTypes:

  • Retrieves a list of file types for the code set export, such as .csv or .xls.

GET /api/codeSets/hierCodesReportFileTypes:

  • Retrieves a list of file types for the taxonomy or hierarchy code set hierarchical codes report.

GET /api/codeSets/importFieldDelimiters:

  • Retrieves the delimiter list for the code set import file.

GET /api/codeSets/importFileEncodings:

  • Retrieves the encoding list for the code set import file.

GET /api/codeSets/importFileTypes:

  • Retrieves the format list for the code set import file.

GET /api/codeSets/importTypes:

  • Retrieves the file format list for the code set import file.

DELETE /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}:

  • Deletes the specified code set (codesetId).

    Note: Call /codesets/{codesetId}/dependencies to check dependencies for the specified code set before deleting.

GET /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}:

  • Retrieves the specified code set (codesetId).

PUT /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}:

  • Updates the specified code set (codesetId).

  • If nothing is being updated in the main code set, do not pass the codeSet value.

    Note: A job will be created for each repository passed in the repositoryId to replace the values that are changed or deleted.

GET /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/codeSetDetails:

  • Retrieves a list of code set details for a specified code set (codeSetId).

GET /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/dependencies:

  • Retrieves the code set dependency list for the specified code set (codeSetId).

POST /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/export:

  • Exports the code set with specified ID (codeSetId) and file type (exportFileType).

  • Valid values for the exportFileType parameter are CSV, XLSX, or XLS.

POST /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/import:

  • Imports the specified code set (codeSetId).

  • Includes parameters to specify the import options or upload a file from your computer or network.

GET /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/properties:

  • Retrieves a list of properties for the specified code set (codeSetId).

PUT /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/properties:

  • Updates the specified code set property (codeSetId).

    Note: A full list of properties needs to be passed in. Any property that's not included in the list will be removed.

POST /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/reportHier:

  • Generates a hierarchical report for the specified code set (codeSetId) in the specified file type (reportFileType), such as .xls or .xslx.

POST /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/reportHierCodes:

  • Generates a hierarchical codes report for the specified code set (codeSetId) in the specified file type (reportFileType), such as .xls or .xslx.

GET /api/codeSets/{codeSetId}/repositories:

  • Retrieves a list of repositories that utilize the specified code set (codeSetId).

GET /api/codeSets/hierReportFileTypes:

  • Retrieves the hierarchical report file type list for a taxonomy or hierarchy code set.

POST /api/dynamicAssocs/import:

  • Retrieves a list of the dynamic association attribute mappings for a specified code set detail value.

  • Used to list the category attributes assigned to a code set node.

GET /api/dynamicAssocs/serverSideFileNames:

  • Retrieves a list of server side available file names for the dynamic association import files.

GET /api/dynamicAssocs/{dynamicAssocId}/attrMappings:

  • Retrieves a list of the dynamic association attribute mappings for the specified code set detail (dynamicAssocId).

  • Used to list the category attributes assigned to a code set node.

GET /api/getAllCodeSetTaxonomyHierarchy/{type}:

  • Retrieves a list of code sets, taxonomies, or hierarchies.