The endpoints in the EnterWorks APIs can be easily accessed using a piece of Java code similar to the following:
SessionDTO session = null;
token = restFacade.login("epim-client", "epim-client", userName, password, null, null);
CodeSetDTO[] objList = restFacade.getCodeSetList(token);
CodeSetDTO codeSet = restFacade.getCodeSet(token, id);
GroupDTO[] objList = restFacade.getGroupList(token);
GroupDTO obj = restFacade.getGroupById(token, id);
RepositoryDTO[] repoList = restFacade.gerRepoList(token);
RepositoryDTO obj = restFacade.getRepositoryByName(token, name);
String xmlItem = restFacade.searchItemBySavedSet(token, repo, savedSet, searchConditions, sortConditions, isANDIndicator, projections, start, end)