EnterWorks has a variety of customizable assets throughout the app classic and new UI:
Images can be changed by replacing the current image with one of similar size, shape, and form.
Text can be modified by editing a JSON file.
For changes to be reflected in the user interface, the cache must be cleared and the browser must be refreshed, both of which can also be done on log out.
EnterWorks New UI
Login page:- Favicon caption
- Favicon file: assets\favicon.ico
- Favicon resolution: 16x16
- Title caption
- Title file: enable2020\index.html
- Title text: <title>EnterWorks</title>
Background image:
- Caption: Login – bg-login
- File location: assets\bg-login.jpg
- Resolution: 1366x768
- File location: \assets\i18n\en.json
- Line: 1236
- JSON setting: "therightcontentenabled": "The Right Content. Enabled.",
- File Location: assets\enterworks-Logo.png
- Resolution: 245x82
More information:
- Location: assets\i18n\en.json
- Line: 1246
- JSON setting: "moreinformation": "FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT PRODUCT GO TO <a href='https://www.enterworks.com/' target='_blank' class='text-link-blue'>WWW.ENTERWORKS.COM</a>"
Feature bar:
Feature bar top:
- Location: \assets\i18n\en.json
- Line: 1010
- Text: "enableversion": "ENABLE",
Feature bar bottom:
- Text:
- File: Enable2020\assets\i18n\en.json
- Line: 1014
- Setting for text: "poweredby": "powered by",
- Logo:
- Logo file: Enable2020\assets\enterworks-sidebar-logo.jpg
- Resolution: 245x82
About Us
caption: About Us – bg-about-popup
Location: Enable2020\assets\enterworks- about-bg.jpg
Resolution: 301x456
caption: About Us – enterworks- Logo-White
Location: Enable2020\assets\enterworks- Logo-White.png
Resolution: 245x82
caption: About – About – about.about
Location: Enable2020\assets\i18n\en.json
Line: 440
Text: "about": "about",
About – About – about. aboutdesc
Location: Enable2020\assets\i18n\en.json
Line: 441
Text: "aboutdesc": "EnterWorks is a market leader in master data solutions for acquiring, managing and transforming a company's product information into persuasive and personalized content for marketing, sales, digital commerce and new market opportunities."
EnterWorks Classic UI
caption: Favicon
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\favicon.ico
Resolution: 16x16
caption: Title – title.e-pim.ew + title.e-pim.en
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\enterworks-props\eMessages.properties
Line: 554 and 555
ext: title.e-pim.ew=EnterWorks
caption: Login – bg-main-lg
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\images\bg-main-lg.jpg
Resolution: 1430x825
caption: Login – Widget Header – title.e-pim.ew + title.e-pim.en
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\enterworks-props\eMessages.properties
Line: 554 and 555
Text: title.e-pim.ew=EnterWorks
caption: Login – enterworks-Logo
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\images\copyright\EnterworksLogo.png
Resolution: 161x55
Login – More Information – common.login.extratext
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\enterworks-props\eMessages.properties
Line: 563
Text: common.login.extratext=For more information about this product go to www.enterworks.com
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\favicon.ico
Resolution: 16x16
Title – title.e-pim.ew + title.e-pim.en
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\enterworks-props\eMessages.properties
Line: 554 and 555
Text: title.e-pim.ew=EnterWorks
Home – enable-logo
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\images\enable-logo-1-row_1000x105.png
Resolution: 1000x105
About – about
Location: \EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\images\about.png
Resolution: 637x436