Manage Typeahead Search - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The typeahead search is performed by the enable-typeahead-service microservice. enable-typeahead-service runs as a Windows service but it can also be run from the command line. Before running it from the command line, turn off the service. When you are finished running it from the command line, restart the service.

enable-typeahead-service stores a list of unique words per attribute and per repository. When EnterWorks is installed, enable-typeahead-service is configured to maintain the indexes for all repositories in real-time. You can enable or disable automatic indexing for specific repositories or for all repositories. You can also manually reindex specific repositories or all repositories.

Immediately reindex all repositories

To immediately reindex all repositories:
  1. Stop the enable-typeahead-service service.
  2. Get the file path for enable-typeahead-service:
    1. Open the Windows Services panel, right-click enable-typeahead-service, and select Properties.
    2. Copy the entire value for Path to executable. It contains the filepath to the executable, the name of the executable, and a list of parameters.
  3. Open a command prompt and go to:
  4. Run the command:
    <path-to-executable> -reindexImmediate=1
  5. When the enable-typeahead-service command has finished reindexing the repositories, it will generate a completion message. Open the Windows Services panel and restart the enable-typeahead-service service.

Immediately reindex a specific repository

To immediately reindex a repository:
  1. Stop the enable-typeahead-service service.
  2. Get the file path for enable-typeahead-service:
    1. Open the Windows Services panel, right-click enable-typeahead-service, and select Properties.
    2. Copy the entire value for Path to executable. It contains the filepath to the executable, the name of the executable, and a list of parameters.
  3. Open a command prompt and go to:
  4. Run the command:
    <path-to-executable> -reindexRepositoryId=<repository-id>
    where <repository-id> is the ID of the repository you want to reindex. For example:
  5. When the enable-typeahead-service command has finished reindexing the repository, it will generate a completion message. Open the Windows Services panel and restart the enable-typeahead-service service.

Enable or disable real-time indexing for all repositories

To enable or disable real-time indexing of all repositories:
  1. Stop the enable-typeahead-service service.
  2. Go to:
  3. Back up create-enable-typeahead-service.cmd by copying it to:
    To facilitate troubleshooting, append the datetime to the end of the filename of the backup file.
  4. Edit create-enable-typeahead-service.cmd:
    1. Edit the disableIndexing setting as desired.
      • disableIndexing=0: (Default) Real-time indexing is enabled..

      • disableIndexing=1: Real-time indexing is disabled.

    2. Save the script.
  5. Use the create-enable-typeahead-service.cmd script.
  6. Restart the enable-enable-typeahead-service service.