System Monitoring - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The following is the basic maintenance necessary to keep EnterWorks running efficiently.

General Alerts

General alerts for all web applications should be configured. The following are recommendations for monitoring the EnterWorks hardware infrastructure. These should not serve as replacements for your organization's current best-practices. If your organization already has a monitoring standard, this section can be ignored. All recommendations are based on virtual servers.

  • Monitor CPU usage: All distinct servers, whether two-tier or three-tier, need to have CPU utilization monitored over periods of time. Alerts should be placed based on the following conditions.

    • Greater than 85% for one minute.
    • Greater than 80% utilization over 1 hour.
    • Average daily utilization is greater than 60%.

    If there is compute resource contention, determine if the issue is historically a rare occurrence or if it happens at regular intervals but returns below the threshold most of the time. If either case is true it is very likely this is not a problem, so no action is required. However, if the resource contention is a chronic problem or directly impacts overall sight performance for a prolonged amount of time, consider upgrading to the next larger instance. For example, go from m5.large to m5.xlarge, or going from Gen 5 4 vCore to Gen 5 8 vCore.

    If the average daily utilization is greater than 60% over the course of 2 weeks, the corresponding server should be stepped up by 2 CPUs.

  • Monitor memory usage: Memory utilization must be monitored across servers with a different set of alerts. Each server has different recommendations based on consistent alert faults. Alerts should be placed based on the following conditions:
    • All Servers – greater than 95% for one minute.
    • Enable Web – greater than 75% memory utilization over 2 hours.
    • Enable App – greater than 75% memory utilization over 2 hours.
    • Database – greater than 90% memory utilization over 1 hour.

    If these alerts are triggered consistently, the following are recommendations for stepping up the corresponding server:

    • Enable web server: Add memory in increments of 2GB.
    • Enable app server: Add memory in increments of 2GB.
    • Database: Add memory in increments of 4GB.

    EnterWorks will need to be reconfigured to use newly available memory. See the your EnterWorks solution architecture design documents and the appropriate EnterWorks Installation Guide.

  • Monitor storage capacity: The assumptions for storage are:
    • There is a separate partition is used for the installation of EnterWorks.
    • There are standard monitors for other partitions.
    • All maintenance is regularly performed, including automatic archival and removal of older log and data files.

    Issue indicator:

    • Less than 10% of total hard drive space is available.
    • For EC2 instance or Azure VM:
      • Greater than 90% for one minute.
      • Less than ten gigabytes free

    Once available free space is less than 10% of the total drive space, the following step-up requirements are recommended for each classification of EnterWorks components:

    • Web/Application (JBoss) – 20% of total drive space increments (i.e. 1TB = 200GB increment).
    • Database – 35% of total drive space increments to data drive (i.e. 1TB = 350GB increment).

    If there is storage capacity contention:

    • EC2 instance: Increase storage capacity of EBS volume by 50%.
    • Azure VM: Upgrade to next disk size (e.g., from P15 to P20).
    • Amazon RDS: Increase allocated storage capacity by 50%.
    • Azure Database for PostgreSQL: Increase allocated storage capacity by 50%.

Enable web server

The server running enable-web-server must be monitored. Logs should be reviewed for any exceptions or errors.

EnterWorks services

EnterWorks services need to be monitored to ensure they are running. The required set of services varies based on the configuration of the EnterWorks system. Also, the services may not all be running on the same server. For a complete list of services running on each server, refer to your EnterWorks solution architecture.

EPIM database

The following database items need to be monitored. If any of the corresponding conditions occur, an audit needs to be performed to determine if the database configuration needs to be changed or if another issue needs to be addressed.

Transaction Log:

  • Transaction log growth exceeds 50% in 1 hour (database transaction log doubles in size within the last hour).
  • Less than 20% of storage space is available for the log.

Temp DB:

  • Temp DB growth exceeds 80% in 1 hour.
  • Less than 10% storage space available for temp DB.

Blocked Processes:

  • There is any blocked process with a wait time of 5 minutes (300000 milliseconds).