New UI System Maintenance Page - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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The New UI's system maintenance page capability is available in EnterWorks versions 10.4.3 and later.

When you perform system maintenance, if you want to prevent users from logging into EnterWorks, you can configure the New UI to display a system maintenance page instead of the typical EnterWorks login page. The system maintenance page has no log in capabilities and it states that EnterWorks is undergoing system maintenance. EnterWorks provides a standard system maintenance page, but you can replace the standard page with your own custom HTML page.

The topics covered here are:


The enable-web-server-service handles the New UI. In order to configure EnterWorks to display the maintenance page, you will copy the enable-web-server-service to create a new service called enable-web-server-maintenance-service that will reference the maintenance page instead of the typical login page. You will then stop the enable-web-server-service and start the new enable-web-server-maintenance-service. Then the following URLs will then be served by the maintenance service:

  • <your-protocol>://<host>/enable2020
  • <your-protocol>://<host>:<your-UI-port>

  • <your-protocol>://<host>/

Configuring the maintenance page will result in the following:

  • Users attempting to log into the New UI will be see the maintenance page and will not be able to log in.

  • Users who are already logged into the New UI will not be able to initiate any new actions using the New UI. If they refresh the screen, they will be directed to the system maintenance page.

  • If a user has initiated a process through the New UI that has not finished before the system maintenance page has been enabled, depending on the process, it may or it may not complete.

Since the Classic UI is not handled by the enable-web-server-service, configuring the maintenance page will not affect the Classic UI. Users can still access the Classic UI in the usual manner.

Configure the New UI's System Maintenance Page Capability

To configure the system maintenance page capability:

  1. If you are using the standard EnterWorks maintenance page, obtain the file and unzip it to:
    The contains:
    • index.html

    • styles.css

    • the icons folder which contains images

  2. Or, if you are using a custom maintenance page, copy the HTML page and any associated files to:
  3. Copy the maintenance HTML page and any associated files to the following folder, creating the folder if necessary:
  4. Go to the folder:
  5. Copy:
    to a new file named:
  6. Edit the create-enable-web-server-maintenance-service.cmd script as described below. The enable-web-server-maintenance-service uses the same executable as the enable-web-server-service. To see a full listing of all the service's parameters, run the following in a command line:
    create-enable-web-server-service.cmd -h
    1. Change the service name to be enable-web-server-maintenance-service by changing the name as shown in the following settings. (Make sure to replace <drive> with your actual drive.)
      NET STOP enable-web-server-maintenance-service
      sc delete enable-web-server-maintenance-service
      sc create enable-web-server-maintenance-service binpath=^"<drive>:\Enterworks\enable2020\services\bin\enable2020-web-server-service.exe ^

      Note: Do not change the name of the service executable in the binpath setting. The new enable2020-web-server-maintenance-service uses the same executable as the original enable2020-web-server-service:

    2. The following settings determine if the maintenance page is enabled or disabled.
      Setting Default value
      -maintenanceMode false
      -maintenancePath <drive>:\Enterworks\enable\2020\www\MaintenancePage
      -maintenanceHtmlFile index.html
      Set the following flag. If it doesn't exist in the file, add it:
      -maintenanceMode=true ^ 
    3. In a previous step of the instructions, you were instructed to copy the HTML files to the folder that is the default value for the setting -maintenancePath. Since this value will always only ever be the default value, you do not need to set this setting.
    4. Set the -maintenanceHtmlFile setting to the name of your HTML file, including the extension, as shown below. If this setting is not already in the file, add it. The name of the standard EnterWorks system maintenance page is index.html, which is the default value of this flag. Technically, you do not need to set this setting if your file is named index.html, however to make future maintenance easier, it is strongly suggested that you include this setting.
      -maintenanceHtmlFile=<name-of-your-html-page-file> ^
    5. Here is an example of how these settings might look in your create-enable-web-server-maintenance-service.cmd file. Note that the other settings in your file may look different than the example.
      NET STOP enable-web-server-maintenance-service
      sc delete enable-web-server-maintenance-service
      sc create enable-web-server-maintenance-service binpath=^"D:\Enterworks\enable2020\services\bin\enable2020-web-server-service.exe ^
      -rabbitServer=<encrypted-rabbit-connection> ^
      -epimHost=<put-your-hostname-here>:8090 ^
      -port=80 ^
      -cliBuildFolder=D:\Enterworks\enable2020\enable2020 ^
      -uploadFolder=D:\Enterworks\enable2020\services\uploads ^
      -epxHost=<put-your-hostname-here> ^
      -sessionDbFile=D:\Enterworks\enable2020\sessions\enable2020-session.db ^
      -loggingLevel=INFO ^
      -logDir=D:\Enterworks\logs\enable2020 ^
      -exchange=enable2020 ^
      -esBrokerQueue=elasticSearchBroker ^
      -webcmBrokerQueue=webcmBrokered ^
      -enableDamQueue=enableDam ^
      -enableApiQueue=enableApi ^
      -channelReadinessQueue=enableChannelReadiness ^
      -epxBrokerQueue=epxBrokerQueue ^
      -disableAdmin=false ^
      -disableReport=false ^
      -disableSystem=false ^
      -customProxies=/language; ^
      -customPaths=/custom;D:/Enterworks/enable2020/custom ^
      -maintenanceMode=true ^
  7. Save and exit the create-web-server-maintenance-service.cmd file.
  8. Create the service by using the create-enable-web-server-maintenance-service.cmd script.

The maintenance page capability is now configured. In order for the maintenance page to appear, you must enable the maintenance page.

Enable the New UI's System Maintenance Page

In order to enable the New UI's system maintenance page, you must have created the enable-web-server-maintenance-service, (see Configure the New UI's System Maintenance Page Capability).

To enable the New UI's maintenance page:

  1. Stop the enable-web-server-service.
  2. Start the enable-web-server-maintenance-service.
  3. Check that the enable-web-server-maintenance-service service is running correctly by going to your New UI's URLs and verifying that the system maintenance page is appearing.
    • <your-protocol>://<host>/enable2020

    • <your-protocol>://<host>:<your-UI-port>

    • <your-protocol>://<host>/

    For example:

The system maintenance page is now enabled.

Disable the New UI's System Maintenance Page

To disable the New UI's maintenance page:

  1. Stop the enable-web-server-maintenance-service.
  2. Start the enable-web-server-service.
  3. Check that the enable-web-server-service service is running correctly by going to your New UI's URLs and verifying that the typical EnterWorks login page is appearing.
    • <your-protocol>://<host>/enable2020

    • <your-protocol>://<host>:<your-UI-port>

    • <your-protocol>://<host>/

    For example:

The system maintenance page is now disabled.