An extract that includes all workflows is most useful when comparing the EPX
configuration between two environments (for example, DEV compared to QA or PROD) and the
generated rpt file can be fairly large. For facilitating the archiving of
workflow-specific flows in the chosen source control platform, or for migration of a
subset of workflows from one environment to another, having a generated file of a subset
of the EPX objects can be more useful. The partial EPX report can be generated by
performing the following steps:
Make a copy of the
script and edit it. -
Eliminate or separate the following sections to different files:
-- Extract Users for comparison print '===========================Users===========================' -- Extract Roles for comparison print '===========================Roles===========================' -- Extract Role Members for comparison print '===========================Role Members==========================='
Edit each of the remaining sections to include a new condition in the WHERE
clause to limit the report to a specific set of workflows:
For the section:
-- Extract Process Flows for comparison print '===========================Process Flows======='
Add the condition:
WHERE p.NAME in ('<workflow1>', '<workflow2>','<workflow3>')
For the section:
-- Extract Process Activities for comparison print '===========================Process Flow Activities======'
Add the condition:
AND p.NAME in ('<workflow1>', '<workflow2>', '<workflow3>')
where a.DELETED_IND = 0
For the section:
-- Extract Process Activity Viewers for comparison print '===========================Process Flow Activity Viewers======='
Add the condition:
AND p.NAME in ('<workflow1>', '<workflow2>', '<workflow3>')
For the section:
-- Extract Process Flow Activity Transitions for comparison print '===========================Process Flow Activity Transitions======='
Add the condition:
AND p.NAME in ('<workflow1>', '<workflow2>', '<workflow3>')
- After:
For the section:
In each case, the condition IN clause should list the names of the process
flows or subflows to be included in the report. For example, if a report is
needed on the New Brand Approval workflow, the altered file would be:
-- Extract Process Flows for comparison print '===========================Process Flows===========================' SELECT 'Flow=' + p.[NAME] as ProcessFlowName , 'Desc=' + isnull(p.DESCRIPTION, '') as ProcessFlowDescription ,case when (p.[PROCESS_TYPE_CODE] = 1) then 'Process Flow' when (p.[PROCESS_TYPE_CODE] = 2) then 'SubFlow' when (p.[PROCESS_TYPE_CODE] = 3) then 'Personal SubFlow' else CAST(p.[PROCESS_TYPE_CODE] as VARCHAR) end as FlowType ,'FlowValid=' + case when (p.[VALID_IND] = 1) then 'Yes' else 'No' end as Valid FROM [P_PROCESS] p WHERE p.NAME in ('New Brand Approval') order by p.[NAME] -- Extract Process Activities for comparison print '===========================Process Flow Activities===========================' SELECT '**** Flow=' + p.[NAME] as ProcessFlowName , 'Activity=' + a.NAME as ActivityName , 'Type=' + case when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 1) then 'AUTOMATIC: ' + a.ARC_ACTOR_NAME when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 2) then 'SUBFLOW' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 3) then 'DECISION_POINT' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 4) then 'DISTRIBUTED_SUBFLOW' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 5) then 'WORK_ITEM_MERGE' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 6) then 'ITERATION' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 7) then 'JOIN: ' + case when (a.JOIN_TYPE = 1) then 'OR' else 'AND' end when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 8) then 'MANUAL' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 9) then 'ANONYMOUS' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 10) then 'PERSONAL_SUBFLOW' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 11) then 'SPLIT' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 12) then 'WORK_ITEM_REPEATER' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 14) then 'WORK_ITEM_PURGE' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 16) then 'ENDING_POINT' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 17) then 'LOAD_BALANCE' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 18) then 'CHANGE_PRIORITY' when (a.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE = 19) then 'SUBFLOW_EXIT' end as ActivityType , 'Enabled=' + case when (a.enabled_ind = 1) then 'E' else 'D' end as Enabled , 'Start=' + case when (a.start_point_ind = 1) then 'Y' else 'N' end as Start , 'End=' + case when (a.end_point_ind = 1) then 'Y' else 'N' end as [End] , 'SendOnError=' + case when (a.ERROR_SEND_IND = 1) then 'Y' else 'N' end as [SendOnError] , 'Valid=' + case when (a.VALID_IND = 1) then 'Y' else 'N' end as ActivityValid , 'Key=' + ap.PROPERTY_KEY + ' = ' + isnull(case when (ap.PROPERTY_KEY = 'lastSentDate') THEN '' else case when (ap.PROPERTY_VALUE is not null) then ap.PROPERTY_VALUE else isnull(convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max),ap.PROPERTY_VALUE_BLOB)),'') end end, '') as ActivityPropertyKey FROM [P_PROCESS] p join P_ACTIVITY a on p.PROCESS_ID = a.PROCESS_ID left outer join P_ACTIVITY_PROPERTY ap on a.ACTIVITY_ID = ap.ACTIVITY_ID where a.DELETED_IND = 0 AND p.NAME in ('New Brand Approval') order by p.[NAME], a.NAME, ap.PROPERTY_KEY -- Extract Process Activity Viewers for comparison print '===========================Process Flow Activity Viewers===========================' SELECT '**** Flow=' + p.[NAME] as ProcessFlowName , 'Activity=' + a.NAME as ActivityName , 'Start=' + case when (a.start_point_ind = 1) then 'Y' else 'N' end as Start , 'Viewer=' + wiv.NAME as ViewerName , 'URL=' + wiv.URL as ViewerURL , 'Default=' + case when wiv.DEFAULT_IND = 0 then 'No' when wiv.DEFAULT_IND = 1 then 'Yes' else 'Unknown:' + CAST(wiv.default_ind as VARCHAR) end as DefaultViewer FROM [P_PROCESS] p join P_ACTIVITY a on p.PROCESS_ID = a.PROCESS_ID join p_ACTIVITY_VIEWER av on av.ACTIVITY_ID = a.ACTIVITY_ID join P_WORK_ITEM_VIEWER wiv on av.VIEWER_ID = wiv.VIEWER_ID WHERE a.DELETED_IND = 0 AND p.NAME in ('New Brand Approval') order by p.[NAME], a.NAME, wiv.NAME -- Extract Process Flow Activity Transitions for comparison print '===========================Process Flow Activity Transitions===========================' SELECT 'Flow=' + p.[NAME] as ProcessFlowName , 'From=' + a.NAME as ActivityName , 'To=' + isnull(a2.NAME, '') as TargetActivityName , case when (tc.CONDITION_ID IS not null) then 'Con=' + case when (c.CONDITION_TYPE_CODE = 3) then 'Otherwise' when (c.CONDITION_TYPE_CODE = 1) then 'Simple: ' + c.COMPARE_KEY + C.OPERATOR_CODE + c.COMPARE_VALUE when (c.CONDITION_TYPE_CODE = 2) then 'Advanced: ' + isnull(convert(nvarchar(max),c.FREE_EXPRESSION_CLOB), '') else 'Unknown: ' + cast(c.CONDITION_TYPE_CODE as varchar) end else '' end as Condition FROM [P_PROCESS] p join P_ACTIVITY a on p.PROCESS_ID = a.PROCESS_ID left outer join P_TRANSITION t on t.PARENT_ACTIVITY_ID = a.ACTIVITY_ID left outer join P_ACTIVITY a2 on t.CHILD_ACTIVITY_ID = a2.ACTIVITY_ID left outer join P_TRANSITION_CONDITION tc on tc.TRANSITION_ID = t.TRANSITION_ID left outer join P_CONDITION c on tc.CONDITION_ID = c.CONDITION_ID WHERE a.DELETED_IND = 0 AND a2.DELETED_IND = 0 AND p.NAME in ('New Brand Approval') order by 1,2,3,4
- Using the modified script, follow Procedure - Generate Full Report
- Reports on individual process flows or subflows can be archived in the source control repository as separate artifacts. The comparison tool or an external comparison tool such as WinMerge can be used to compare two versions of the same workflow.