The following variables are used in this documentation to describe the configuration parameters for AWS S3. Replace them with your values.
<AWSAccessKeyID>: the AWS Access Key ID.
<AWSSecretKey>: the AWS Secret Access Key.
<AWSBucketName>: the name of the bucket in which DAM is to be stored.
<AWSDamrootFolder>: the name of the folder in the designated bucket, for example: "DAMRoot".
: (Default setting.) Uses flags for credentials. Use this setting if you are using secret and access keys. -
: Uses IAM Role.
<AWSRegion>: the region name for the S3 storage.
<AWSS3PublicRead>: Sets the ability for the public to read files uploaded to AWS S3.
: (Default value.) The bucket is public. -
: The bucket is private.
: if you are using role-based security. -
: if you are not using role-based security.
In this procedure you will be editing settings in configuration files and scripts. Several of the files have one or more settings whose name includes "AWSAccessKey". In some of those files you will be directed to set this setting to <AWSSecretKey> and in some you will be directed to set it to <AWSAccessKeyID>. This is intentional. Set the values of those settings as directed.
To configure EnterWorks to use Amazon S3: