Translation Request Log Update Scheduled Import - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The scheduled import should be named "CN_Request_Translation_Log" and must be configured to import an update file into the Change Notification Translation Log repository. It is launched by each Translation Request Scheduled Export that completes successfully. The Scheduled Import should have the following settings:

Attribute Name Value
Import Name CN_Request_Translation_Log
Import Type Template
Import Directory Name Must be the same directory specified in the Translation Request Scheduled Export post process argument logFileDirectoryName
Import File Name <Populated by parent job>
Import Format CSV
Move Import File Yes
Skip File Check No
Template Name CN_Request_Translation_Log
Repository Name CN_Translation_Log
Dependent Operation Type Export
Dependent Operation CN_Cleanup_Translation_Queue
Dependent Operation Immediate Yes
Dependent Keys Parameter1
Dependent Values ||Parameter1||

This import should specify the Import Template named "CN_Request_Translation_Log". It will be created by the Migrate In operation during the Services Framework deployment. The import template must have the following mapped columns:

Column Name Description Is Key
CN_Attribute_Language Extension of the source language (e.g., en, sp, de, etc.) Yes
CN_Attribute_Name Name of the attribute to be translated (KEY) Yes
CN_Attribute_Translated_Value Translated value (populated by translation company)
CN_Attribute_Value Value that needs to be translated
CN_Internal_Record_ID InternalRecordId of the repository record (KEY) Yes
CN_PK1 Repository record primary key 1
CN_PK2 Repository record primary key 2
CN_PK3 Repository record primary key 3
CN_PK4 Repository record primary key 4
CN_PK5 Repository record primary key 5
CN_Repository_Name Name of the repository
CN_Request_Date Date of when the request was made
CN_Request_Status Status of the request: Requested
CN_Translate_Language Extension of the target language (e.g., en, sp, de, etc.) Yes

When the referenced update file is imported, it will either create new or updating existing records in the Change Notification Translation Log repository. Once the import has completed, the Scheduled Export named CN_Cleanup_Translation_Queue is launched.