Change Notification Translation Queue - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The Change Notification Translation Queue is an EnterWorks database table with the following columns:

Column Name Description
seqNumber Sequential number for each record. Primary key for table.
batchId Set to the export job number for the queued records for a repository and language. Used to process the set of records as a batch in case additional requests are queued during the update process, which avoids overlaps (sending the same request twice) and gaps.
translationName Name of the Change Notification Translation Registry definition used to populate this queue entry. In most cases, the translationName will likely match the repositoryName. But if the repository has multiple parts or there are different Change Notification Translation Registry definitions for the same repository (perhaps different languages are translated by different companies), the translation name would uniquely identify each translation. For example, if Brand had more than 1000 multi-language attributes, they may be split between two parts having translationName of "Brand1" and "Brand2".
repositoryName Name of repository for the request
internalRecordId Internal record ID for the repository record
attributeName Name of the attribute to be translated. Use the attribute's Name, not the attribute's Restricted Name.
oldTranslatedValue (FUTURE) Previous translated value
newValue New value that needs to be translated
changedby Login of the user who changed the record containing the attribute.
changedDatetime Date and time of when the change was made.
languageExt Language extension for the value being translated. Implies the default language (English) if null.
translateLanguageExt Target language extension

When a repository record (containing multi-language attributes registered for translation) is modified, each registered multi-language attribute that was changed generates a record in this queue table. If the same attribute is changed multiple times, the queue will contain multiple records – one for each change. When these records are retrieved from the queue, only the entry with the newest date and time will be sent to the translation company. For example, if the Long Description in the Brand repository is registered for translation, and the EnterWorks brand description is changed to "EnterWorks", then "EnterWorks Incorporated", and finally "EnterWorks Acquisition, Inc." all in the same day, the export for Brand will only include the "EnterWorks Acquisition, Inc." value. The same changes were made over successive days (and the export is scheduled to run once per day), each change will have been sent to the translation company. If the translation company has more than a one-day turnaround, it would be responsible for either translating each value received or only translating the last value received for the same record and attribute.

The final step in the export process removes the records from the Change Notification Translation Queue table.