Change Notification Translation Log Repository - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The Change Notification Translation Log repository contains the details of each language translation request and translated response. Each record in the repository represents a single language for a single attribute in a repository record. The Scheduled Exports update this repository with the details about the record, attribute, and target language, including a request status of Requested along with the date the request was sent to the translation company. This update is accomplished by the Scheduled Export invoking a dependent operation for a Scheduled Import that is set up to create or update the CN_Translation_Log records for any repository for both the requests and responses.

The Scheduled Imports also update this repository, setting the request status to Updated along with the date the update was received. The translated value is also stored in the same record. If a specific attribute value for a specific record is changed and translated frequently, the same entry in the Translation Log repository will be updated with alternating Request Status values of "Requested" and "Updated.

Attribute Name Description
CN_Attribute_Language Specifies the language extension for the source attribute. Part of the primary key.
CN_Attribute_Name Name of the multi-language attribute. Part of the primary key.
CN_Attribute_Translated_Value Translated value from the translation company
CN_Attribute_Value Source value for the attribute to be translated
CN_ID Unique ID for the record. While not part of the primary key, this can be used to access specific records without having to specify all four primary key attributes.
CN_Internal_Record_ID Identifies a record in a staging repository. Part of the primary key.
CN_PK1 Repository primary key1 value.
CN_PK2 Repository primary key2 value.
CN_PK3 Repository primary key3 value.
CN_PK4 Repository primary key4 value.
CN_PK5 Repository primary key5 value.
CN_Repository_Name Name of the repository. This attribute is not part of the primary key since the internal record ID uniquely identifies each record, regardless of repository.
CN_Requested_Date Date at which a translation request was sent or a translation update was received.

Indicates the request status for this record:

  • Requested - request has been sent to the translation company
  • Updated – a translation update has been received from the translation company.
CN_Translate_Language Language extension for the target language. Part of the primary key.

When attributes have been submitted to the language translation company, they will have a request status of "Requested".

When the translation response is processed, the records are updated to show a status of "Updated" and also shows the translated values.