Workflow Tab - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The Workflow tab specifies whether a work item should be initiated on the designated workflow and include the designated properties.

CN_Send_Work_Item - Specifies a work item should be initiated if Yes.

CN_Work_Item_Group - Lists the groups to which the user making the change must be a member in order for a work item to be initiated. If the list is empty, then the email will be sent regardless of who made the change.

CN_User_Name – login of the user on whose behalf the work item should be initiated. If this should be the user who made the record change, then ||CHANGED_BY|| can be specified for the value. This user must be identified as a participant in the designated starting point activity.

CN_Workflow_Name – name of the EPX workflow in which the work item is to be launched.

CN_Activity_Name – name of the starting point activity in the designated workflow on which the work item is to be launched.

CN_Property_Name – name of a property to be defined in the work item. A maximum of 20 properties can be defined. Any beyond the first 20 will be ignored.

CN_Property_Value – value for the designated property to be defined in the work item.

Warning: Given that a work item will be created for each qualifying record change, it would be very easy to overwhelm the EPX workflow engine with events that create or update many records in a batch, such as an import or mass edit operation. This should be mitigated by either ensuring the EPX Workflow implementation can handle high-volumes of concurrent work items or the conditions and attribute settings on the CN_Registry record limit the changes that cause a work item to be launched.