The Workflow tab specifies whether a work item should be initiated on the designated workflow and include the designated properties.
CN_Send_Work_Item - Specifies a work item should be initiated if Yes.
CN_Work_Item_Group - Lists the groups to which the user making the change must be a member in order for a work item to be initiated. If the list is empty, then the email will be sent regardless of who made the change.
CN_User_Name – login of the user on whose behalf the work item should be
initiated. If this should be the user who made the record change, then
can be specified for the value. This user must be
identified as a participant in the designated starting point activity.
CN_Workflow_Name – name of the EPX workflow in which the work item is to be launched.
CN_Activity_Name – name of the starting point activity in the designated workflow on which the work item is to be launched.
CN_Property_Name – name of a property to be defined in the work item. A maximum of 20 properties can be defined. Any beyond the first 20 will be ignored.
CN_Property_Value – value for the designated property to be defined in the work item.