Summary Tab - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The Summary tab identifies the basic information for the registry entry, including registration name, repository being monitored, whether the registry entry is active and its processing order (when multiple registry entries are defined for the same repository).

CN_Name - is a logical name for the registry entry. If there is only one change notification registered for a repository, the name will likely be set to match the name of the repository. If a repository has multiple registrations, the name should reflect the nature of the registered notification. For example, if the Item Staging repository has a set of attributes that require manager review and another set of attributes that only need to be logged, two CN_Registry records would be created with the first having a name of "Item Staging Review" and the second having the name "Item Staging Log Only"

CN_Description - Optional description for the registry record. It is strongly recommended that a description be specified and kept up-to-date when changes are made to the record.

CN_Repository_Name - Name of the repository to which the registered change applies. The dropdown menu shows all the repositories defined in the system, but only those that have been configured for the Change Notification trigger or pre-save validation rule will be processed.

CN_Active - The CN_Registry record is active if Yes and ignored if No.

CN_ID - Internal ID for the registered change. This value will be specified in the CN_Registry_ID for any record in the CN_Log repository that originated from this registered change.

CN_Sequence - Determines the order registry records for the same repository are processed. The order may be significant. For example, if one registered change updates an attribute that needs to be logged by another registered change, the update change needs to have a lower sequence number than the log change.

CN_Validate_Record – Causes the trigger record to be validated one time (in cases where there are multiple CN_Registry records for the same repository) before performing any Change Notification processing if Yes. The intent of this option is to ensure the trigger record has been validated in case a Transformation rule needs to obtain the records validation status. If this is not needed in any Transformation rules, then this attribute should be set to No.