Basic Text Search - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The Basic Text Search is available in Repository View tabs, Repository View widgets, the Detail Editor, and the Saved Set Editor. To use the basic text search, type the text you are looking for in the search box on the left end of the EnterWorks tab bar at the top of the screen.

The text search looks for "words" in attribute values that begin with the search term. Words are strings of characters that are separated by blank spaces or special characters. For example, the search will consider a date in the format of mm/dd/yy as three separate words. An exception to this is that the New UI treats timestamps as one term represented as hh:mm:ss. Text search will only find timestamps if the entire timestamp value is searched for.

The search ignores whether text is upper case or lower case.

Wildcard search

Wildcard symbols can be used to search for variations of a term. They cannot be used at the beginning of a term.

  • *: Takes the place of one or more characters.

  • %: Takes the place of a single character.

For example:

  • If you search for "Prod*", all records containing a word beginning with "prod" will be returned.

  • If you search for "*rod*", no records will be returned because you cannot use a wildcard at the beginning of a search term.
  • If you search for "Prod%ct", records will be returned that have any single character in place of the %, such as "Product", "Prod2ct", "Prodlct".

Searching for numbers

Attribute values that are numbers that are stored as currency, integers, big integers, or decimals are stored as numbers using English US notation. Numbers are displayed using the selected session language or attribute language. For example, these decimal values:

  • German: 1.234,56
  • English US: 1,234.56

are both stored using the English US notation: 1234.56.

No matter which language your UI is displaying, to find the value, you must use the English US notation to find it. For example, if you want to find the value stored as 1234.56, searching for these values will be successful:

  • 1234.56
  • 1,234.56

but searching for these will not be successful:

  • 1234,56
  • 1.234,56
Attributes that created to store character strings (VARCHAR) can contain numbers. If you search for digits contained in a VARCHAR attribute, you can search for partial number strings and use wildcards. But if an attribute is created to store numbers, you cannot use wildcards or search for partial values. For example:
  • If you search for "1234", it will not find "1234.56", "12345", or "1,234.56".
  • If you search for "1234*", it will not find "1234.56", "12345", or "1,234.56".

Searching for dates

If you have selected English as your session language, (if you are logged into use English or you selected English from the Dashboard's language dropdown menu), if you search or filter on an attribute that has a data type of date, you can use the following as search terms:
  • Today
  • Today+1
  • Today-1
  • Yesterday
  • Yesterday+1
  • Yesterday-1
  • Tomorrow
  • Tomorrow+1
  • Tomorrow-1

Searching for special or non-English characters

Depending on where and how you are performing a search, you may need to surround words with special characters or non-English characters with an N and single quotes, in the format: N'<word>'. For



Search in a Repository View

In Repository View tabs and widgets, executing a Basic Text Search adds a filter to the Repository View, causing it to only display records that contain the search term somewhere in the record, either as an attribute name or as an attribute value.

If a Basic Text Search is run from the Dashboard and there is more than one Repository View widget open, the search filter will be applied to all the Repository View widgets. Closing the search filter term box in one Repository View widget will close the Text Filter in all the widgets.

Search in the Detail Editor

In the Detail Editor, executing a Basic Text Search causes every occurrence of the search term to be highlighted, in both attribute names and attribute values.

Search in the Saved Set list

If the Saved Set Editor is active, typing inside the Text Search box causes the list of Saved Sets to be restricted to only those whose name starts with the entered text.